The Genocidal Glitch

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Fresh was asleep the whole day, haven't moved a muscle from leaning on that tree. Error hopes he's alright, this isn't normal of him...did he stay up searching for him. He hopes not. He didn't attempt to shake him awake, didn't yell or provoke him to wake up. Though he did check his soul and it's still pumping.

Nightfall came very slowly that day, Error didn't care to leave yet during the day. Though at that time of night he decided that he should become stronger when everyone is asleep including Fresh. Error turned to Fresh sleeping body and nuzzled his face into the side of his chest. "I'll bE back," he'd say before getting up

He attempted to open a portal. To a random place, he remembers Fresh taking him to. Once the portal opened he took in a deep breath before looking back at Fresh sleeping. "...I'll be quick...hOPefully-" Error breathed out before going into the portal to become stronger.

For the whole night, he spent grinding on EXP and LV. He started in the ruins, forcing the ruin doors to open. He found the Toriel there, sleeping in her bed, and took her life. He then went back to Snowdin and dusted the people there.

For some reason, the Sans and Papyrus in the AU weren't in their house when he went to kill Papyrus. Error then moved to Hotland and by that time, everyone knew he was there, hiding from him.

Though the more he killed and dusted them the easier it got for him to do it. He was sickened from the feeling but it was pleasurable of WHY he was doing it. He continued till he reached the Judgement hall where the remaining monsters were hiding in the throne room.

There to stop Error was the Sans and the human of the AU. This was a new predicament, he's never really saw this before. He always saw the monsters trying to kill the human, but never before the human teaming up to kill a genocidal glitched monster.

"I don't know who you are...or why you've chosen to murder us all..." the Sans started. "And I seriously don't know what kind of fucked up joke this is to murder your own kind...but you won't get past us!" he said as his eye started to glow.

Error narrowed his eye his hand reaching to his sockets, pulling out strings, not saying a word. His soul was heavy with sin, too heavy for him to bear at the moment that he couldn't speak. His actions were his only way of speaking.

The Sans glared before they entered into battle. The battle went on and on. The Sans not giving mercy, and the human very quick to dodge and slash their knife at him. Error had come this far, he was going to finish it.

Error dodged with the best of his ability, the Sans gaster blaster and bones going at a quick speed, though the harder Sans tried to get rid of Error, the more he became tired.

The human came up to Error with their knife, swing it at them before Error grabbed the human's arm, twisting it behind them before tying them up. Sans was about to shoot a blaster at him before he blocked himself with the human.

The Sans accidentally shot the human with his blaster, burning them. The human barely made it alive at 1 hp. The Sans was in shock, trembling that they almost killed them. From this distraction, Error dropped the human and charged at the Sans with the human's knife.

The Sans was too late to noticed Error's quick moves. He was stabbed, and started to dust, holding onto his life as much as he could before Error pulled the knife out, the Sans blood spilling out of him.

Error dropped the knife and pushed the Sans to the ground. The Sans coughed up blood before Error placed his foot on the Sans skull, crushing it into dust, the rest of his body following.

The human scream and thrashed around in Error's threads, trying to break free. Error sighed, covered in blood and dust. He turned back down the hallways, leaving them for last as he went into the throne room.

The monsters hearing the Sans dust made them panic into the barrier room, their last hope, their old king, and the few that can still fight. When Error entered it wasn't long till his LV overpowered there. One by one they all dusted as he got stronger and stronger...the last one there was Papyrus but from the trauma of seeing all of his friends murdered in front of him made him freeze, making it easy to kill the Papyrus. There was no one was left but the human.

Once Error got back to the human, the human seemed to be struggling to click the reset button. Error looked down at them struggling. He knelt down to them.

"WHY?!?! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU!! THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE A PACIFIST RUN!!" they yelled. "...i ApoLogIze-" was the only words Error spoke during this whole genocide run before standing up.

He summoned a bone and ended the human's life. It was dead silent in the AU then...

Error sighed, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at the human body left behind. He started to sob and sob uncontrollably, glitching out, unable to see from the 'error' signs in front of his face. He was unable to comprehend nor understand why he's crying like this.

He knows the risk of this method of strength but it's either this or the chance he may never be able to see Fresh. Now that Ink probably knows he can use magic and teleport, he's sure Ink would think of another way where he can't leave or get away from him.

He needs to get stronger and be able to defend himself so Fresh doesn't have to worry about trying to get him back. This is all for Fresh and no one else. He would do anything for Fresh, even if it meant killing for him.

He continued to cry till dawn before he started to worry about his dirty clothes. His blue scarf stained with blood, and his clothes covered in dust. Luckily he went back to the ruins and found where Toriel does her laundry.

There he took off all his clothes and figured out how the washing machine worked. He sat down on the floor, covering himself in a fluffy blanket as he waited for his clothes to be done washing.

He had to think of what he's done now...he murdered an entire AU. A genocide run he committed. It was weird to have this power and he can already feel himself getting more crazier. He glitched just thinking about it before trying to get his mind off of it.

His clothes were soon done washing and drying before putting his warm clothes back on, the dust and blood off of his clothes. He soon opened a portal back home, where Fresh was waiting for him on the tree.

He could see the sunrise nearby rising, Fresh still sleeping soundly on the tree. Error walked over to Fresh, tired from staying up all night. Error sat next to Fresh, taking his shades and put them on his sockets before not being able to stay up anymore, falling asleep on his shoulder.

....Though it was a few moments that Fresh woke up from the sunlight of the morning rays hitting his eyelids. He squinted his eyes open, feeling something on his shoulder. He looked around for where his shades must have fallen before turning to his sides to see Error sleeping peacefully on his arm with his shades on. He smiled tiredly before he turned to Error and pulled him into his lap. Error turned his face into Fresh neck as he held onto Fresh.

Fresh soul beat quickly from this, blush as he looked at him softly.

" sugar're...back," he said with a groggy voice before being too tired to keep himself up, going back to sleep till later.

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