Delicious Ink Sushi

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Ink was rushing in the doodlesphere, looking at as many AUs as he could, even the old ones to make sure it wasn't breaking. Soon enough, he found one that was just infected with the Fresh virus.

Ink immediately teleported there. He looked around the AU, which was young, it was a very different version of Dreamtale. It was Russia.

Nightmare rushed over to Ink as Ink took out his brush. Nightmare looked very weird, he had very baggy pants, pink slippers with green socks, a purple sweater, and a green, blue and pink jacket that was small, as his shades were blue that faded to purple, and a Russian hat backward as Nightmare wrapped Ink under his arm, "Йо Йо Йо!!! Как дела, Инки, братан!!!" Nightmare quickly said.

Ink didn't know what the hell Nightmare said...Ink looked at Nightmare with a weird concerned expression, "Что, чё, красочный, делаешь здесь, бра!" Nightmare said. It sounded like a question.

Ink gave an awkward smile and shrugged, "Вы здесь, чтобы найти Fresh..." Nightmare said. Ink jumped at his name, "Do you know where he is?!? Fresh!" Ink exclaimed.

Nightmare turned to the village nearby, "Не волнуйся... он уже идет..." Nightmare said darkly. Ink was confused, was he supposed to go to the village. Ink took a step forward as a hand was placed on Ink shoulder.

Ink looked at Nightmare, as Nightmare glasses fell off a little as magic emitted from his cold blue eyes, Nightmare was staring at something.

Ink looked the other way and quickly saw Fresh angry expression and his hand balled up into a fist. Ink tensed up as Fresh quickly punched Ink back. Nightmare tried grabbing Ink, but Ink turned to a pile of Ink and escaped Nightmare grasp before they could grab him.

Fresh ran up to Ink as Ink could tell he was trying. Ink dropped down to Ink again and moved, Fresh following the Ink pile.

Once Ink finally popped up, Fresh close to him, he pulled his brush back and hit Fresh with black paint.

Fresh wiped the paint off his clothes. Fresh teleported behind Ink and kicked him down to his knees. Fresh then pushed Ink all the way down on his stomach with his foot, keeping him there, "WHERE. IS. ERROR!" Fresh demanded. Ink grunted, "You don't need to know!" Fresh growled as Nightmare colorful tentacled replaced Fresh foot as Nightmare held onto Ink tightly as Ink struggled.

Nightmare hummed Котик Котик as he bobbed his head to the song he hummed.

Fresh summoned his Fresh Virus in his hand, as it glowed. Fresh tugged Ink hand out of Nightmare tentacle as Ink pulled his hand back and slapped Fresh. Fresh chuckled before roughly grabbed Ink hand and piercing Ink hand a bit with his Fresh Virus, his blood seeping out as the bone.

Ink groaned and growled in pain. "Wonder wat happen' if I infect ya' brah," Fresh said, his glass sliding off his face a little, as he revealed his crazed eyes. He pushed his glass back and chuckled playfully as he kept piercing Ink hand as Ink kept struggling and grunting.

From behind Fresh were Blue and Dream, seeing Ink getting his hand stabbed. Blue and Dream snuck closed as Nightmare kept humming Котик Котик with his eyes closed, pretending like he was in a music video.

Ink didn't look at Dream and kept eye contact with Fresh not to make anything suspicious. Dream staff turned to a bow as Dream forced Fresh head to go through the middle as Dream pulled Fresh back, chocking him from the wood as Dream jumped on Fresh back.

"Ack!" Fresh said. Nightmare opened his eyes as Blue punched him in the face and summoned a Gaster Blaster and a sharp bone in his hand. Blue shot Nightmare with the gaster blaster as Blue sliced Nightmare tentacle holding Ink, freeing Ink.

"Оу Дауг!!!" Nightmare yelled after he was shot. Fresh fell on his back as Dream grunted, keeping the bow on Fresh neck. Fresh then rolled Dream on his back as he summoned bones above both of them, stabbing Dream back.

"Ack!" Dream hissed as Fresh chuckled. Fresh pushed himself on his knees as Dream and Fresh weird, not like they were paying attention.

Ink noticed and blushed at them weirdly as Blue looked at Ink questionable before Nightmare picked the both of them and threw them on the floor.

The string on Dream bow then broke as Dream fell back, Fresh able to slip away from Dream as he rolled away then quickly standing up.

Dream sat up as Fresh got close. Dream turned his bow into a staff as Fresh got close. Fresh picked Dream up from his shirt as Dream wacked Fresh in the head with his staff. Fresh groaned and then threw Dream on the floor on his back before getting on top of him.

Ink noticed the weird position and blushed again before getting a tentacle to the head-

Fresh held one of Dream arms above him and held one of Dream arm tightly. Dream struggled under Fresh as Fresh chuckled, "Y' know... recently I've been getting...hungrier..." Fresh said as he brought Dream arm close to him.

Dream struggled even more under him, "I wonder how ya' taste star boy," Fresh said as he brought Dream hand into his mouth, "NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Dream yelled.

Ink saw the terrifying scene before slipping past Nightmare then stuffing his hand in Fresh mouth, pulling him up as Dream hand slid out as Fresh chomped his mouth closes and ripped Ink hand off as he bled out. 

Ink fell back as Dream screeched in horror as Blue looked in paralyzed shock. Fresh chuckled in pure joy as he spat out Ink hand, "Wat ta waste...I wasn't in da mood for Inkwich, I was in da mood for a Dreamwich..." Fresh said chuckling, wiping his mouth from Ink inky blood.

Nightmare had then picked Blue up and slammed his skull on the ground, causing a crack to go through his eye, knocking him out, bleeding in the process.

Dream was mentally scarred, knowing they needed to retreat. Dream stood up with shaky legs as Fresh looked at Dream, "What?... Scared?" Fresh questioned with a smirk, "H-How could Error like you?!" Dream exclaimed.

Nightmare came from behind and grabbed him in his tentacles. Fresh stopped Nightmare from doing anything to Dream, "Не обижай их, братан," Fresh told Nightmare as he nodded.

Fresh walked up to Ink as Ink scooted back with his arm, but he wasn't fast enough as Fresh picked up Ink, and held his shirt with a fist ready to punch him.

"Where is Error?" Fresh asked aggressively as Ink chuckled, "...Having more fun without you," Ink said. Fresh looked down, then back and Ink and punched him, causing Ink nose to bleed, "WHERE IS HE?!?!" Fresh yelled.

"...How about you find him..." Ink said Fresh punched him again as Dream watched painfully, "Tell me!" Fresh yelled. Ink coughed up a little blood, "Whatcha' gonna do 'bout it?" Ink said mockingly.

Fresh grabbed Ink arm and tugged on it as Ink grunted, "If ya value havin' ur other hand...ya'd tell me where E-dawg is..." Fresh said glaring at Ink under his glasses as his glass showed an angry face. {>:_C}

Ink did need his other hand to repaint his hand back, without his other hand he'd be disabled and the multiverse will probably go into ruins.

"INK JUST TELL HIM!!!" Dream yelled, tears in his eyes, "Выбить их!" Fresh told Nightmare as Nightmare slammed Dream face hard on the floor causing Dream to become dizzy and fall asleep.

"" Fresh said with a growl, Ink snarled at him, "...Haventale..." Ink said. Fresh threw Ink to the ground and walked away, "Брось та желтая фасоль," Fresh told Nightmare as Nightmare dropped Dream on the ground.

Nightmare then started to glitch, along with the AU. "Спасибо за обслуживание, братски," Fresh told Nightmare, "Я СЛУЖУ МАТЕРИ РОССИИ!!!" Nightmare yelled as Fresh chuckled before opening a portal to Haventale.

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