The Confrontation

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Ink sans would stand in the infinite void. The look of fear plastered on his face as he stared at Error. A pile of blood and dust surrounded the glitch.

A human child with the soul of determination, tied up and under Errors will. Error's strings would tug at the human's soul, ripping it out of its possession as the human's body would fall limp.

The string around the soul would prevent it from breaking as strings up above would store it with the many other souls above.

"Hello...Ink." Error said in a bold tone. Dream, Fresh, and Blue stood behind Ink. They were confused, and fearful for the monster that was left unchecked.

"I see you've been busy..." Ink's hand started to reach for his brush. Strings would wrap themselves around Ink's hand. Error glared as his eye lights went out. Only red sockets narrowed onto Ink.

"Don't try anything funny..." Error hissed.

From above, strings would wrap around Fresh body. He'd be pulled up and over to Error's side. "If you're thinking about splitting us apart...then you're up for a rude awakening." Error stated.

"I won't allow your torment to go any further." Error spoke seriously. "Error, this isn't right. You're killing others! Committing to mass Genocide and gatekeeping the human souls and preventing the AUs reset!" Dream exclaimed.

"We're here to help you!... All of us! Including Fresh!" Blue added.

Error's eyes lit up in attention as he turned to look at Fresh for what he had to say.

"E-bro...I...what was done wasn't cool bro..." Fresh admitted. "I'm not radtastic as ya' wanna me to be yo...!" A nervous smile on his face.

"...WhY aRe ya' up iN saY-Ying t-t-t-t-that bRo..." Error sounded a bit hurt. His voice glitched as he spoke nervously. "I...doN't cAre @bout tHaT!" Error yelped.

"I waNNa sTay wiTh yA! HaVe fUN wiTh yOu BroSepH!...aNd!...anD!" 

Fresh shook his head as he dropped the lingo. "You're hurting souls Error..." Fresh commented.

Error glanced down, thinking for a moment. Error snapped his fingers as Fresh was lifted in the air. An annoyed and angry glare on Error's face as he looked to the star sanses.

"You did something to keep us apart. I won't allow that to happen. Not again." Error hissed with a clear angry tone as he raised his arms. Bones would break out from the ground from underneath the group.

Dream and Blue would hop back. Ink would attempt to but the string around his wrist didn't allow much distance. Ink's legs would be stabbed through as black blood from Ink would spill on the white floor. "Ink!?" Dream yelped.

Ink will admit that Error has gotten quite strong. Ink was tempted to check Error, but there was no time for that. Ink would attempt to tug his wrist out from the string. Error would reach for his sockets, pulling strings out as he threw the string to attach more at Ink's limbs and body. He'd pull Ink up in the air summoning a blaster.

Dream wasted no time in summoning a shield to protect Ink he was in the air. Blue would toss the bowl of popcorn aside and would summon a bone in hand. Blue's plan was not to hurt Error, but to restrain him like a royal guard would.

Blue would charge up to Error. Error glitched as his eyes were fuzzy and blinded as he saw a blur start to approach him rapidly and grow more clear. Strings from above would snag Error up in the air as he'd summon bones, aimed at Blue to prevent him from following him up where he was. 

He didn't like it when they got close. He grumbled as he positioned himself to be standing on the string like a swing instead of his arms being pulled up in the air. The blaster would charge and shoot at Ink.

A bright white beam would start to sear through the shield Dream had up as Dream used their might to protect Ink. The squid himself would squirm and struggle to free himself as fast as he could while he had time given from Dream.

Blue would summon sharp bones, aiming them at the string Error was standing on to break it and have him fall to his level.

Error tensed as he glared at Blue. His eye lights were out in anger. Error would block the bones himself with his bones. String from above would latch onto Blue and pull him upside down. "Ack!!" Blue would pull himself up to break the string but a bone would lodge itself into Blue's hand once he attempted. He yelped in pain as he'd start to bleed and dust a little on his hand.

"Error!! Bro! Tis is reaching a lil' far yo!" Fresh called. Error ignored it at the moment. More string would hold onto Blue's limbs as it would start to pull Blue apart, straining his bones that clung to stick together. Blue grunted as he attempted to fight against this tension.

While Blue was busy, Error would turn his focus over to Dream. The string he was on would be lowered to the ground as Error would approach Dream himself. 

Dream didn't want to lose focus on the shield while Ink was busy, but getting hit would also risk that as well.

"Error...we're just here to help you, to correct're naive, and we want to teach you...about the world."

Error glared as he summoned a bone in hand. He'd wack Dream in the head which would cause Dream to lose focus. The shield would break as Ink would be singed with Error's blaster. Dream would stumble on the floor, holding his head as he could feel himself bleeding from a crack that was caused by the hard smack on the side of his head.

"Who decides that for me? Who decides that I need to be corrected? Who decides who I'm with? Who decides to KIDNAP ME...FROM THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!...." Error yelled.

"...I'm not some some child. I choose to do this. I choose to fight. I CHOSE to make sure I was never some kidnapped pile of bones. Not from you...not anymore. I chose to be with Fresh despite what he's done because at least least he was here to free me." Error took in a deep breath.

"...I refuse to live under the god of creation's rules. So I'll continue to destroy everything I can like he tried to destroy MY everything..." He glared.

Dream looked up at Error in worry. "You don't understand..."

"I understand enough. I'll turn into a god if it means Fresh..." Error made abundantly clear. Fresh stared as he listened to this conversation. He didn't know what to say.

He was oddly touched. He meant something to someone for once in his life. On this other...this was a monster he never meant to create. He never wanted this for Error. He never even planned to take it this far with Error.

Fresh suddenly realized something at that moment. That these feelings...the feelings and emotions for Error, caused by Error.

They're special...just as special as Error.

He wants the best for him...and clearly, Fresh is not the best. 

He'd failed. A feeling of dread had swept Fresh as he looked down at what he's done. He didn't deserve this commitment. Especially when he had planned to take Error's body as his own at first.

But what?

A snap filled the room as Ink would drop to the floor. He'd start to untangle himself as Error sighed. He turned and started to walk away from Error. Error raised his arm and underneath Fresh would open a glitched portal.

"Wait! Don't let them get away!" Blue yelped. Fresh would be released from the strings as he'd fall into the portal. Error would quickly follow behind as the portal closed.

Blue would struggle and kick his legs till eventually, he was able to slip from the thin cords. Ink would remove the string around himself as Blue walked over to the other two.

"...For now...we should wait," Dream told him. "I... concur..." Ink would stay splayed on the ground as he recovered from the painful burning he endured. 

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