I Promise, Swear, and Vow...

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A few days passed and Ink decided to check on Error. Of course, he was on his guard from the time's Ink and Error have fought. Even if they made a deal to not fight, he was still a bit nervous that Error would break that compromise What more would Error lose if he were to fight Ink back. Ink walked to the door and opened the door. "Error!" Ink called

It was quiet. It was rather normal to Ink. Error didn't really talk to Ink for the reason for keeping him away. Ink looked around the house, seeing no potential trap around. "Error?!" Ink called again, looking around the house for him.

He checked the kitchen, playroom, bedrooms, every room in the house. It started to get him panicked. "ERROR!" Ink yelled, running around the house. Where is he?! Where could he have gone?!

No one but Ink and he were in this secret place, so...Error must have figured it out. He must have figured out how to portal somewhere. "Oh no..." Ink immediately went to the doodle sphere to see if Fresh and Error have found each other, or f anyone has eyes on Error...

Error on the other hand was learning a few things from Fell. He's learned about cursing, and common sense kind of stuff he didn't know at first, though Fell was a little rude with his responses

Like when Error asked why tea was hot. He called Error an idiot for not knowing it's caused by conduction and the atoms in water. Though Error noticed the more he learned, the more his voice was clear and less glitched, he sounded more mature and older as well.

"What sO special about Ink anyways?" Error asked, "Ink's the creator and protector of AUs-" Fell said. "Without him, some force would have destroyed us, in this case...ya' know-" Fell didn't mention it

"With the power to create and protect... he's basically a god, stronger than us when he's serious so- we all follow him," Fell shrugged, "Well...- most of us," Fell looked to the side

"Most of us?" Error questioned, "There's this group who are against Ink, Blue, and Dream. They do it for their own gain-" Fell said, "At least that how I can explain it... their leader causes chaos sometimes to absorb negativity, his followers just like the idea of fighting and death, don't know why... probably personal reasons," Fell explained

"You really have no clue of everything do ya?" Fell rose a brow, "Well wHen you're stUck in a white room for yOur whole life you don't rEally I know better do yA?" Error huffed back, seeing his comment as an insult

"I guess... how'd you get there?" Fell asked him, "I have no cLue, I've assumed Ink started to create me and forgot about me...guess I got a little crazy and lonely there," Error shrugged, "I have other iDeas of wHat happened, but I don't want to believe them AT the moment," he admitted

"Anyways, I want to get back to portaling," Error said, "You've opened up plenty of portals these past few days you've kept me here, you wanna use basic magic correctly? Then you need to learn to fight," he said, "It's the only way you'll get used to using magic," Fell said

"I'd have to untie you though, what if you don't keep your end of our deal?" Error narrowed his eyes, "As I said... chocolate is more important to me, get it through your thick idiotic skull!" Fell grinned to make him irritated

He irritated Error successfully

Error grumbled as he let his strings release Fell. Fell stood up finally after a few days of sitting and sleeping in the same position. Fell stretched as Error got into a fighting position. Fell popped a few points getting ready.

"Now... It's been a while since I've moved so I may be stiff-" Fell warned. Error rolled his eyes, "Let's gEt this traIning over so I can visit somewhere and leT you gO," Error said

Fell smirked as he stood straight before his eye glowed a right blood red. Blaster summoned beside him before they immediately shot at Error. Error summoned a bone wall to block the blast. Once the blast stopped Error was quick to counter, attacking Fell back with as many bones as he could summon

Fell dodged as much as he could, getting a little scratched before it was Fell turn, making Error have to dodge and blasters

He watched as Error was light with his feet, letting his feet barely touch the ground so he could dodge his quick-moving attacks

Once Fell's attack was done Error summoned a bone in hand, charging at Fell. Fell moved to the side, tripping Error to his feet as he grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back before pinning him to the ground.

Error hitched and glitch a bit violently. He didn't enjoy being touched, it was uncomfortable. It made him feel like Fell was going to go too far with things.

Fell let him go, noticing his discomfort. "You're a little too slow to take seriously. Your movements are too predictable," Fell explained

"You shouldn't struggle with dodging either, your lucky I wasn't serious with you, I would have summoned more than 2 gaster's on my first turn if I was serious about weakening you," Fell huffed

Error was heavily breathing seeming exhausted. "How do you suppose...I gEt strongEr?" Error asked. "Two ways...gain LV or train," Fell said, "That's as much as I can help you," Fell said.

Error sat up. "Now, I've helped you, and I rather get back home... I'm sure boss is furious with me since I've been gone for so long," Fell told him. Error nodded and stood up, digging into his pockets holding out half his stash of chocolate.

Suddenly blue strings from the trees wrapped itselves around the chocolate bars, lifting them up into the tree. "Thanks for the help-" Error said, opening a portal back home...Fresh home. Fell stuttered a bit looking up at his chocolate bars before huffing a bit.

"YOU MOTHERFUC-" Fell was cut off from the portal closing. Error looked around, walking around a bit to potentially find Fresh

As he walked he found a tree and a certain person laying under it. It was Fresh. He looked so empty and emotionless, different from his normal self

Error thought Fresh was drained from trying to find him. Error walked over to the slouching body...not even his shades say anything.

Error knelt to him before hugging him tightly. "... I'm back," he said, relaxing his body as he hugged Fresh. "YoU look horrible and tiRed...was it bEcause I was gone for so long?" He questioned

Fresh was still. Error lifted himself up and looked at Fresh. He lifted his hand and took Fresh glasses off. His eyelids were closed. I guess he's just asleep, Error thought.

Error put on Fresh glasses, looking at him. The glasses then said {Yo_Lo} on it

Error smiled slightly. "I promise...I swear...I vow...I won't let them take me away from you," Error told him. "Parasite, bad guy...or a silly freshed out dude," Error spoke softly

"I'm going to stay with you...the one that saved me from that colorless white room... I'll stay by your side for as long as I can," Error rested his head on Fresh chest.

Fresh cheeks turned a light purple, unconsciously hearing what Error had said.

Error knew his promise wasn't going to be easy, and as Fell said, he'll have to train or gain LV to be able to reach that goal. He's sure with Fresh losing Error twice he won't let him leave here, not that he minds since it was Fresh.

But he'll have to get stronger somehow...without Fresh or Ink knowing of his idea. Error will have to think more on this later

For now... he'll cherish this moment back in Fresh chest...

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