The Shades Can Tell

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Fresh and Error were back in the grassy place Fresh calls "home".

Error and Fresh kept hugging each other. "I missed you Fresh!" Error said to Fresh, "I missed ya' too E-dawg!" Fresh hugged Error tighter. "They didn't do nothing unrad ta' ya' did they?" Fresh asked. Error was about to nod, but remember, his friend Haven would get hurt.

Error shook his head, "T-TheY jUst kEpt mE AwAy from y-y-oU," Error said looking down, his voice seemed quiet. Fresh could tell that was a lie, who taught him to do that?

"Error, are ya' lyin' ta ur bro?" Fresh asked. Error gulped and nodded, "w-WhaT gAve mE aWaY?" Error asked, "You tellin' me right now yo," Fresh said, with a bit of a grin from amusement.

Error puffed his cheek out, seeing the trick. "What did they do ta' ya'" Fresh asked looking down at Error, placing a hand on his cheek, "H-...HaVEn kISSed mE... I diDn'T lIke It, bUT he sAId it Was loVE...whatever that means-" Error told Fresh.

Fresh scoffed, "So that's where ya' learned lyin'" Fresh growled, "iS iT bAd?" Error asked, Fresh nodded, "It's very bad bro," Fresh said, Error felt really guilty then, "You'VE nEvEr lIed tA' me RiGht?" Error asked, "Of course broski! Why would ya' dawg need ta' lie!" Fresh smiled.

Error felt more guilty as he looked down in shame. "It's a'ight brospeh, I know ya' tryin' ta protect someone," Fresh said.

Error hummed in understanding and hugged Fresh again. Error glitched a little, but relaxed in it. "fReSh..." Error said, Fresh hummed and rose a brow, "YoU wOn'T hUrt HaVeN wILL yOU...He'S sCaReD...I cAN TelL-" Error said

DaNK right he should be scared, Haven should sleep with one eye open for making Error lie for him, for distressing him and assulting him!

Fresh looked to the side, "Hey broski, how'z 'bout you an I playz a game?" Fresh asked with a nervous smile. Error whined a little, realizing he was ignoring the question. "Come on, it'll be fun! Promise!" Fresh said

"O-o-OkAy thEn," Error agreed, rather talking about it with Fresh later than now...for now he should just have fun.

Ink groaned, "DAMN IT!..." Ink huffed, "We lost them both..." Ink groaned, "No matter, I'll get Error back," Ink said. Dream and Blue rushed over to Ink, "How are you gonna get him back?" Blue asked, "I know Fresh well enough, he's gonna take Error to an AU with him, if so, we'll take Error back, and I'll hide him," Ink said

"Hide him?" Dream asked, "I have no other choice but to hide him, not with any sans, just by himself this time," Ink said, "Isn't that bad?! He talked about a white room!" Blue said, "There's not much we can do, Fresh seems desperate for Error, and now that he has him...I'm not sure what he plans on doing with Error-" Ink said

"Let's just hope he doesn't do anything horrible to him, ugh! This is all my fault!" Haven huffed, "No, you did nothing wrong! I should of known you weren't willing to hurt anyone Haven, I only picked you because I know Fresh wouldn't be willing to corrupt your AU," Ink said

"But anyways, I have to keep watch of the AUs, Dream you know how to find me, Blue stay with Dream just in case," Ink said

Blue and Dream nodded as Ink took his paintbrush and painted the floor, before teleporting away to the doodle sphere.

G Sans and Frisk walked over to Haven, "Cheer up pal! Ink got this! We all depend on him anyways..." G Sans said.

"I know but...I feel as if Error depends on me...he doesn't understand that Fresh is evil and doesn't care about anyone but himself...I fear Fresh is using Error just for himself unlike what Error calls his friendship..." Haven said

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