The Glitch by My Side

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Fresh would land on the ground of Outertale. Error followed behind on his feet as he saw Fresh on the floor. "What have they done to do...what lies have they told you?" Error glared. Fresh pushed himself up, brushing the moon dust off his clothes.

"Error," He started. "I don't want to hear it...tell me...tell me if they've brainwashed you! Tell me that they're trying to keep us apart!" Error shook his head with eyes of worry and hope. Fresh sighed as he looked dismissive. 

"I've been a pretty brutal example yo..." Fresh turned his head to the side with a nervous smile. "What...what was it for," Error asked. Fresh looked in confusion.

"Those AU's you destroyed...WE destroyed. I know it's...bad but to hell with it all!" Error said with an infuriated tone. "It's not fair! To the both of us!" Error growled loudly.

Fresh would listen to Error's cries.

"It's not fair how we lack a home! A family! How we lacked hope for years and years!.... I was abandoned in that white area! I w-was ...t-tortured in that space!!... You have nowhere to go... no home! Nothing! WE'RE OUTSIDERS!...." Error would grow tears in his eyes.

Fresh looked down. He had no home...only because the original...the one that he knew was destroyed by his virus.

Error's story...he was abandoned from the start. Not by Ink...but by higher-ups that Ink has mentioned. 

"....and we outsiders have no one but each other... I-I...I envy what the other worlds have that I don't...I HATE it...that's why..." Error trembled looking down as he gripped his arms. "It's why despite knowing those worlds were dying because of us...I-I felt good!" A crazed smile grew on Error's face.

Fresh would hesitantly step closer to Error, arms opened to Error. Error sobbed a little as he walked into Fresh's embrace. He'd glitch a little. He was tensed at the contact...knowing that Fresh was touching a dirty murderer...but Fresh's own hands were covered in blood and dust, just like his own.

"...It isn't right Error..." Fresh sighed as he buried his skull in Error's shoulder. "Just because we had it hard...doesn't mean everyone must suffer the way we did." Fresh lingo dropped as he became serious.

"...We could heal with wasn't right to" Fresh sighed trying to explain this to Error.

"...I-I did it for you." Error cried. " stronger for you... I-I didn't want you to chase after me I needed saving. I-I didn't want to be dangled upon your head as some sort of threat." Error hissed.

"I-I didn't want Ink torture me. F-For his followers to be blinded by him." Error tensed up more in hatred. "I-I want to become and god...and kill Ink." Error hissed violently.

Fresh tensed up. Error looked up at Fresh. "...Say you'll help me. We don't have to live under Ink if you help me...I can do it, just trust me...believe in me." Error asked.

Fresh was quiet as he looked down at Error. "...Error," Fresh started. Error looked in attention. "I have something to confess to you," Fresh started.

Error nodded as he listened. His tears seemed to have stopped as frozen streaks of tear marks were left on his face.

"...When I met you....I-" Fresh tensed up...wondering if he should even say. It didn't feel right to keep it to himself.

"...I-I...I had planned to become friends with you...just to possess you." Fresh confessed.

Error stared in confusion. "...What." Error felt cold all of a sudden. " I got closer to you...I've started to...feel things. Things I don't normally feel." Fresh explained.

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