Haven turned to Hostile

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Morning arose in Haventale. Of course, Haven walked into the room Error was in. He smiled softly at the innocent sleeping Error, he walked over to a window and opened the blinds as Error groaned a little from the bright light before waking up, blinking rapidly from the bright light. "Morning Error~" Haven sang, Error giggle a little at the quick song Haven sung. Error sat up in bed as Haven sat next to Error, "Ready for breakfast?" Haven asked with a bright smile, "WhaAt's FOr bREakfAsT?" Error asked, "Something called Cereal!" Haven said with enthusiasm, "wHaT's tHaAt?" Error asked, "You'll see! Come on!" Haven said, standing up from his bed.

Error stood up with Haven and followed him downstairs into the living room. Error sat on the couch as Haven went into the kitchen, he made two bowls of cereals, one being a bowl of CocoFlowers™ and another called FrostedDreams™.

Haven brought the bowls over and placed them in the coffee table, "Pick one! But choose wisely!" Haven warned playfully. Error chuckled and picked the FrostedDreams™, he grabbed the spoon and scooped some cereal and put it in his mouth. He crunched at the cereal. It was crunchy but sweet. Error hummed at the new taste and texture. Haven ate the CocoFlowers™.

"MmMh~! so gOoD!" Error complimented Haven chuckled, "I'm glad you like it!" Haven said with a giggle and smile, "Once we're done with breakfast, I wanna show you what a playground is!" Haven said, "pLaygRouNd?" Error question, "It's a place to play and have fun!" Haven explained simply, "oH! cOOl!" Error said with a grin as Error started to try and quickly eat their food. Haven saw what Error was doing and started to race him to see who can eat and drink there breakfast first.

Of course, Haven let Error win, he didn't want to make Error upset, seeing how sensitive Error is. Error smiled and laughed at the race they did, but that was after he got hiccups, and Haven started laughing, and Error started laughing because Haven started to get hiccups.

Soon, both of them started to compete to see who could drink water without hiccuping. Of course, Haven had gotten rid of there hiccups by that fast game.

After that, they walked to the park, along there way, flowers of different colors were sprinkled on them by Haven friends, Error looked in awe at the different colors falling above them.

Finally, they got to the park where little kids were playing, along with adults playing with the kids. It looked like so much fun, so much enjoyment...oh if only Fresh was here.

"Come on! Some of the swings are open!" Haven said as the two of them rushed over to take them. Haven then showed Error how to swing, kicking his legs forward and back constantly.

Error soon got the rhythm and was able to do it all by himself as he got higher and higher and higher...and maybe too high...to the point where he fell off his swing in the middle of the air.

Error fell face first, Haven got worried and jumped off his swing and landed on his feet and took a knee to check on Error, "Are you okay?!" Haven exclaimed in worry. Error chuckled, then giggled before laughing

"T-thHh-haAaaAt-t, wA-S FUN!" Error laughed. His laugh was glitched and sounded a bit crazy but was cute none the less. Haven sighed a breath of relief, he was glad Error was alright. Haven helped Error stand up, "Maybe the swings are a bit much for you, let's try something else," Haven recommended. Error nodded as Haven brought Error to the swings, "Here, this is very fun, it just brings you down! It's called a slide!" Haven said.

Error sat down and Haven sat behind Error and held onto Error stomach so nothing goes wrong. Error smiled at his contact, it reminded him of Fresh close touch of whenever he holds his hand.

Haven then pushed both of them down the slide as Error screamed in excitement like it was a rollercoaster. Haven laughed at Error excitement as they reached the end as Haven let Error go, "THAT WAS SO FUN!!!" Error said, his voice clear.

Haven laughed, "I'm glad you like it! Wanna try something else Haven asked, as Error nodded

Fresh has entered the AU, a wide grin on his face. "It would be unrad of me ta' ruin such a nice AU...I guess if Havenbro gives Error-dawg to me this AU will be safe...I'd hate ta' turn this to a neutral AU..." Fresh said as he started to walk in the AU and into town

Everyone treated Fresh with a smile, and treated him with kindness, "Would you like to try a sample?" a monster asked. Fresh politely denied them all, everyone, who tried to give him stuff just in case he has to hurt everyone...

It wasn't long till Fresh saw Error. Error was having so much fun with Haven at the park. He was smile, he was laughing, screaming in joy.

That was supposed to be Fresh job...

He's supposed to make Error smile, make him laugh and show him new things...Haven...HAVEN! HOW DARE YOU DO SUCH A THING TO FRESH AND HIS ERROR!!!

Fresh growled, pissed as he stomped over. After Haven and Error finished giggling, Haven noticed Fresh and teleported a bit farther from Fresh, holding Error hand

"hUH?" Error said confused. Soon he saw Fresh and was tempted to run over if it wasn't for Haven holding his hand.

Haven turned hostile, which he wasn't used to but he wouldn't let Fresh take Error. "Come on broseph! Just give my rad bro ta' hand out with me dawg!" Fresh said with a shrug.

"I'm sorry, but Error and I are hanging out right now..." Haven said. The children and parents at the park knew something bad was going to happen so they packed up quickly and rushed off, leaving the playground empty.

"Welp...it really disturb' me ta' think of ya' home gettin' colorful and stuff..." Fresh said as he held the Fresh Virus in his hand.

"But I guess I have ta'!" Fresh said with a threatening grin, "w-WaiT FrESh!" Error called. Fresh looked over at Error, "D-dOn't...t-thErE hOmE...yOu Don'T-" Error was interrupted by Haven making an escape portal, tugging him to follow

"FrESH!!!!!!" Error yelled but he was gone before he could say anything to him. Fresh growled.

He was tempted to destroy the AU anyways...but that would be rude, what kind of timeline would that be?

Fresh dismissed his Fresh Virus.

He remembered the inside of the portal Haven went in. It was a dark blue and black, many stars and the floor was made of what looked like stone.

"...Outertale? Hehe...see ya' there broski...I won't stop till Error is mine!" Fresh vowed as he opened his own portal to Outertale.

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