Frozen Blood

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In the blazing fire city that spread across quickly like the wind, Error would lead the fires to attack, taking the souls and lives of others in the alleyways, taking their EXP, Gs, and LV for himself, quickly going up LVs rapidly with a grin on his face.

"SOMEONE! STOP THE-" People would be cut off from their cries and screams by Error's blue's strings as everyone ran from the riot Error led, a big group of people running out of the alley, into the streets where cars hurled over, some getting ran over, others jumping onto the vehicles to avoid the fire and the blue strings itself.

The street got stopped up, firefighters were unable to get through, and police officers controlled the chaos. Ink, Dream, and Blue squeezed their way out of the giant crowd of humans and monsters and into the hot blazing fire. 

Ink used his paint to make water, splashing a pathway through. The three of them would use their clothes to cover their mouths from the smoke. Far off from where they were, glitched laughter could be heard.

"This way!" Ink led, as he splashed water to where he heard the laughter. Dream and Blue would follow Ink in the smoldering fire, Blue would take the middle as Dream took the back. 

They kept running in the direction they were going till they found Error in the middle of strangling a monster till their soul cracked in front of his eyes, dusting then and there.

"Error!!" Blue yelped. Error turned over to his shoulders, his eyes like crazed scribbles, pinpoint dots with a wide grin on his face. He looked confident in himself. This is what he wanted, what he needed.

Error laughed more from this site. Seeing his abuser and his gatekeeping friends. "Let's get him!" Ink gripped his paintbrush as he charged in.

"W-Wait!" Dream stuttered as he watched. Blue joined behind Ink to help him, Dream joined alongside Blue.

Error gripped the strings from his sockets, getting used to using them. The string would whip its way to Ink's ankles, tightening around him before Error yanked Ink over to him, raising his foot up as he kicked Ink back.

Ink, unprepared for how strong Error has ground, went barreling over to his friends, tripping them all up. "That was pathetic!" Error laughed. "I thought you were stronger-...I suppose I was wrong to think you were like a god..." Error scoffed. 

Ink eyes turned red like targets. "You've gone TOO far Error!" Ink growled. "I have? Please...This isn't even the beginning" Error threatened. Error glitched echo spread across the air and sky, many could hear it.

"Now- I think I'm done here. It's getting quite late-" Error smirked as he raised his hand, opening a glitched portal. "I'll be sure to see you three again...when you're more interesting-" Error then walked into the portal, closing it behind him.

"I-Ink..." Blue groaned, looking around their surroundings, the fire circling around them. "We gonna escape!" Blue coughed. They all got up from one another, Dream creating a barrier around them.

"Let's go- we'll let the police officers and firefighters deal with the deaths and fire" Dream reassured, opening a portal to a more peaceful place than here. The three of them hopped in, closing the portal behind them, the barrier dissipating as the fire consumed the rest of the area.

Error steaming hot clothes from the blood and the fire soon quickly cooled off in Outertale.

Where the steam of blood turned to small droplets of ice in the floating space, the rest of the blood frozen on Error's clothes to the point where he'd walked there'd be a small crinkle sound, just from the atmosphere.

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