This place is Haven

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Ink was trying to fix the code of Dreamtale, as Dream fought his own people back, away from Ink, "STAY BACK! I don't wanna hurt you!" Dream said, trying to talk to them.

They all screeched and yelled in fresh-looking clothing.

Sooner or later Blue and Error appeared next to Ink, "Blue?! What are you doing here?!" Ink said stressfully.

"Fresh tried stealing Error back, so we came here to you instead," Blue said, "Wait...What?" Ink questioned.

Suddenly the virus started to pull back, everything out of color then glitched bsck to normal, everyone was glitched back to normal and the virus stopped.

"...THIS WAS A FAILED DIVERSION?!" Ink exclaimed. Error whined since the colors were all gone. The people of Dreamtale was confused. Dream told them not to worry and to go back to there homes.

Ink collapsed to the floor, "This is way too much for one skeletonnn...." Ink said.

Error stood behind Blue in fear.

"Uhm, Ink, what do we do now? We can't leave Error alone, so what do we do?" Dream asked, "We bring Error to a place where Fresh wouldn't think he's at," Ink said opening a portal.

Dream and walked walked in. Blue grabbed Error hand and tried walking in the portal with him, but Error wouldn't budge, "Error? Come on, let's go," Blue said, "IT's n-nNOt a whIttE rOom is iTT?" Error asked, his voice a bit glitched.

Blue shook his head, "Nope it's not," Blue said. Error nodded as they both went into the portal to Haventale.

Haventale was a beautiful AU full of flowers and people where light colors. Error looked around in awe as Ink, Dream, and Blue lead the way.

Soon they reached a house and knocked on the door. A skeleton- or a Sans to be exsact opened the door, "Oh hey! It's Dream, Ink, and Blue with a new friend!" the Sans said.

Dream waved 'Hi' with a smile. "Hey Haven, can you do us a favor?" Ink asked, "Sure, anything for the protector of AU's keeping us safe and all!" Haven said.

"Think you can protect Error?" Ink asked. Error looked up at Haven, and Haven smiled at Error making Error smile.

"Sure, of course it doesn't seem too hard!" Haven said with a shrug and a smirk ,"Good, I trust you to protect him, make sure Fresh doesn't kidnap him," Ink said turning around to leave, "Sure thing! Got it!" Haven said.

Blue let go of Error hand as Dream and Blue left with Ink though a portal, "Well, come on in Error, btw, I'm Haven if you didn't know!" Haven said with a wink.

Error giggled as he walked in Haven's house.

It looked like Blue's just a different color inside.

"You like it?" Haven asked, "VERy cOOl cOlOrs!" Error said as Haven chuckled, "Want something to eat?" Haven asked walking into the kitchen then taking out a bag of sunflower seeds.

Error followed Haven and watched him eat some, "CaN i haVe onE?" Error asked, "Sure, knock yourself out, " Haven said. Error picked one seed and bite into the whole thing. The shell poked at Error mouth as he cringe. It was like trying to eat and swallow shards of glass.

Haven noticed this and stopped Error, making him spit out the seeds. Haven then showed Error how to get the part he wants, by breaking the seed with his mouth open so Error could then, then he showed him the piece he wanted to eat.

Error then tried and was happy when he was able to eat the seed as Haven chuckled. After this they watched TV. MTT was one, so they watch a magic show. Error only liked the colors, but was confused when MTT did some magic, like how she made BP disappear in a box.

After that Haven took Error to Grillbys. Of course, Error didn't any alcohol because of how innocent he is to Haven, so Grillby gave Error a smarties candy for him to eat and some fries as Haven drank his cares away, putting more money on his tab.

Soon Error took Haven back home when it got dark and put him to bed. Error sat on Haven bed before laying down, falling asleep as well...

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