Chocolate Donuts

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The sunrise showed its face, the light hitting Fresh's face. Fresh yawned, stretching a bit. He felt hands around his waist. He turned his head a bit to see Error holding him. He smiled slightly, purple flushed on his boney cheeks.

He sat up a bit, looking at Error. Error seemed fine. Staring at Error, Fresh noticed an odd stain on his jacket. It was a dark color that contrasted with his blue faded sleeves.

He was curious as to where he got that from. Did he spill something on his clothes?

Error seemed to have woken up from Fresh staring too much. Fresh averted his eyes away from Error, trying hard not to let his face get hot.

Error yawned, sitting up next to Fresh. "Mmm... morning," Error spoke with a groggy voice. "Morn' brah!" Fresh smiled. "How'd ya snooze from last night? Kinda froze up on me there!" He chuckled.

"Sorry about that," Error said. "No need! You seemed freaked out! I should be 'pologizing for triggerin' ya dude!" Fresh smiled sympathetically

Error sighed, he seemed rather tired than usual. "How'z bout we head to some fun aus?... Just for a diddley sec. If we spot Ink, we book it! 'Kay?" Fresh stuck his tongue out, his shades winking at Error.

Error chuckled quietly. "Sure.." despite how tired Error is, he doesn't want to disappoint Fresh. He can stand it. Error pushed himself up before stumbling a bit.

Fresh stood up next to Error. "You gud?" Fresh asked. Error leg felt beaten up by that human. The human was more prepared and had a better fight than the last time. Error hopes Fresh won't see the scars.

"I'm fine...I just stood up to fast," Error smiled as big as he could, giggling a bit to sweeten the deal.

Fresh felt something was up.

"If you say so E-bro!" Fresh smiled, opening a portal to another AU.

"Hey-" Error stopped him. Fresh looked over. "You aren't gonna make it a colorful place again...are you?" Error asked.

"Naah, wasn't planning on it," Fresh answered. Why was he asked that question?

"I was just wondering, I wanted to see the AU in its normal state," Error answered, going through the portal.

Fresh shrugged it off, although he still felt something was wrong.

Fresh followed behind Error as they viewed the AU in secret.

Days passed and patterns started occurring to Fresh. For some reason, every time Error and himself goes out somewhere, the so-called AU they went to suddenly stopped existing.

He found it peculiar that Error seemed to be sore somewhere all the time. His leg, arm, skull. He's always tired as well.

Fresh was always suspicious of what Error is doing and his new demeanor. Is this the work of Ink?

Fresh always offers that they don't need to go anywhere and that they could relax but Error always insists that he's fine.

And he's noticed when they play with their hackie sack, Error is more coordinated and persistent. He's much stronger with his attacks as well.

It was strange to him. He feels like Error is lying about something. So to test this, he decided to stay up tonight.

He'd entertain Error till the downfall of the sun and lean against a tree. Sooner or later he'd close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. He'd wait for any reaction.

Error would have no idea of Fresh's idea. He'd honestly think Fresh is asleep. So when he felt certain, he'd split ways from Fresh.

Fresh sockets, hidden by his shades would watch Error once he moved.

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