My Property

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Art belongs to @I0wanna0die


Fresh went back to his 'home' and sat down in the warm grass. Fresh clenched his fist, "DAMN IT!" Fresh yelled, "That mistake of a squid took Error...he's mine bro...MINE!" Fresh screamed, rage taking over him.

Fresh growled, yelled, hissed, screeched. Attacking nothing but the grass and flowers nearby.

Once Fresh was finished having a temper tantrum, he sat down and started to think of a plan to get Error back.

"So...Error-dude might be with the Dreamy boi or with a blueberry muffin...Since Dance bro was in a rush, I wanna say Blue, but he was....cryin' they might of when to Dream...Either or! I need ta figure out whut I'm gonna do to steal Error bacc..." Fresh said.

"If Error is with Blue, I could scare Bluedawg...maybe...I know I can't scare Dream, and I know Blue will I gotta be fast! But if E-dawgs with Dream...I have ta be stealthy and quiet...hopefully... I'm PRETTY loud!" Fresh said with a smirk.

"Now! I'll check US, if he's not there then DT!" Fresh said, opening a portal to Underswap.

There he looked through the window, near the kitchen. He tried looking in different angles and could see Blue, but he was talking to someone, surrounded in a blue blanket.

"I hope tats my Error..." Fresh whispered to himself. Blue stood up with the person and seemed to go upstairs. "Dang it!" Fresh whispered yelled to himself. He look up to see another window to Blue room.

"How am I gonna supposed ta see t'em?..." Fresh asked himself.

Fresh looked around.




More snow

" I have enough room for a gasta blasta?" Fresh said, looking at the space he had. Not enough room.

Fresh then got creative and place floating bones in the shape of a ladder. He climbed up and looked in the room.

It was Blueberry room, he could tell by the racecar bed.

In the room was Blue and...

"Error!?" Fresh yelled before his magic stopped making him fall with a thud.

Blue looked at his window. "WhAt wAs Tat?" Error asked, "Not sure..." Blue said walking up to the window. He opened it and looked up, then down, then side to side. He then closed the window after retreating his head back inside.

"Must of been snow" Blue figured.

Fresh, who was hiding in the shrubs breathed a sigh of relief.

"Error's in Blue crib...I have to have him bacc...I need ta lil dude," Fresh said, rush going through his body.

" Fresh!...Be patient...It takes time" Fresh told himself as he kept stalking them, making the bone ladder again, listening to there conversation.

"So! What do you do for fun?" Blue asked, "GoInG tO oTHer wORLds wiTH FrEsH, pLay THere, eaT, tHEn sEE thE gR-Reat aMAZinG cOloRs tHEy MaKe wIth fREsh poWErs, tHen pLAy sOme MorE bEfOrE gOiNg tO anOtheR aU!" Error said with stars in his eyes.

Blue looked in an awkward smile at how much Error liked Fresh. "What did you do for fun BEFORE you met Fresh?" Blue asked.

Error stayed quiet, in a sad, depressed way...the white room...

"N-n-N-n-noThi-i-I-i-INg-g-G-g" Error glitched. Things got tense as Blue stayed quiet. Fresh, from the window was burning with rage and dare he ask Error that kind of question...How DARE he make Error sad.

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