Coffee and Tea

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Haven soon had gotten back home. Everyone noticed something different about Haven as he walked. He went to Grillbys and of course saw his dad, Gaster drinking happily. Of course, his dad noticed and sat next to him at the counter of the bar.

"Say! What's got your peas in a pod?" He asked enthusiastically. Haven sighed sadly, "I think I messed up..." Haven said. Gaster rose a brow and listened, "I made a friend and I think I fast into my feelings?... I don't know, they don't understand much, and are obsessed with a-...parasite!" Haven exclaimed.

Grillby came over with a shot glass with whiskey for the both of them. Gaster quickly took the shot while Haven sipped it. "I! Is he cute..." Haven grumbled, "You gay?" Gaster chuckled. Haven looked at him with a deadpan face as Gaster laughed, "Not that it's bad! Just didn't know it was a guy!" Gaster smiled

"Sure doesn't act like one...I should know! Different AUs got it Underfell-" Haven shrugged, "The guys there are pretty hardcore and edgy! Yes-" Gaster agreed. "I just...this one...Error, he's... Adorable! He' an innocent child even if he's an adult! Someone with no experience in the world!" Haven described. Gaster couldn't help but joke in his mind that Haven sounds like a pedophile-

"I couldn't help myself...I really wanted to show him...or more like feel it with him, and...enjoy his-" Gaster interrupted him, "You can't kiss, you only have teeth!" Gaster pointed out, "It still feels the same! It's like ectoplasm there when it's not! a skeleton can dream!" Haven huffed, "True...continue!" Gaster smiled

"But...I did kiss him, he was confused but went with it...I was still happy, but not satisfied-" Gaster thought of Hamilton-

"-I wanted to feel as if he loved me back...but of course I didn't get those feelings back since he doesn't know of love or how to react to's sad...most of his life must have been terrible...for whatever happened to him to make him not know what happiness or love is..." Haven sighed

"Hm..." Gaster hummed. Haven stopped sipping on the alcohol, "Teach him it!" Gaster smiled at him. Haven rose a brow, "He doesn't know...then teach him!" Gaster smiled, "You don't REALLY know what love is! It's only feelings! You're just given examples of love to learn that's all!" Gaster smiled, "Like when someone hugs their sibling! Another family learns from them! It's all in the mind! So you're...this boys' role model of how to love YOU!" Gaster explained.

Haven thought a little with a smile, "Yeah... YEAH! I'm gonna try that- Uh! After the...Fresh virus is over! That way he isn't in the way!" Haven smiled as he got up and left the bar. He headed home and went to his room, plopping onto his messy bed

"I'll think about it later...and m-make...waffles and pancakes...when I w-wake up-" Haven speak got more ruffled and quiet from his pillow as he closed his eyes and fell asleep

As Error slept in the soft green grass, Fresh watched Error sleep. His smile had faded to an emotionless look, his shades showed nothing.

...he's gotten too attached to him-

He's suppose to be a host, a body to use till he feels as if it's too old to use before getting another one. He's not suppose to be a toy or a thing to use as a playmate...

But still...why must these new feelings stop him? IT WAS SO EASY WITH NO FEELINGS!!

Fresh curled into a ball as he clenched his skull as he averted his eyes away from Error. He's so innocent! So sweet, and has NO experience in the world so this should be easy right?! He has no one he'd like to keep safe other than Fresh right?!

...No...H A V E N...

He needs to get rid of him...

Fresh stood up from his position and looked down at Error. He took his hat off and lightly placed it on Error face so he wouldn't wake up easy from the sun he was blocking... It was almost about to get dark.

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