The Glitches on his Face

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As Fresh landed in a random AU and quickly closed the portal, he noticed the AU is just...white? Fresh doesn't remember going to this AU, whatever AU this used to be. He could usually tell if he's been in an AU before or not, but he hasn't been in this white area before, and he certainly doesn't remember destroying this AU.

He started to walked around, is this all there is? Just white? Well, if it's just white then I guess there's no point in staying

"Who'S t-TheRe?" a glitched voiced called out, Fresh turned to the far away figure. The figure was glitched, and had black bones, her hand mismatched eyes with what looked like red glasses on his eyes, and had blue streams of what looked like tears run down from his eyes.

"Uh...Me bro!" Fresh said, smirk, taking his hands out his pockets. "W-WhAt's yOur n-n-naMe?" the figure asked, "Names Fresh, whut 'bout chu?" Fresh asked, the figure tilted his head, "W-WhAt?" the figure asked, I guess they don't understand my slang, Fresh decided it be better to let his sentences make more sense to this new being, so they can communicate "Names Fresh, what about you dawg?" Fresh asked, "oH...M-M-My name iS E-ErRor" Error replied, "Nice to meet cha" Fresh said walking up to the glitched figure

Error kept his guard up, and took a step back away from Fresh, "Wha-What Do yOu w-waNt?" Error said, looking up and down at Fresh, "Well, I just kinda came-" "ArE tHoSe c-ColOrs?!" Error interrupted Fresh getting distracted on his own question, "Uhh, Yeah dude" Fresh said

Error reached his mismatched color hand over to Fresh clothes and started to look at every color and examing every single one, "WHat c-ColOr iS tHiS?" Error asked pointing to Fresh sweater, "Purple" Fresh answered, Fresh was actually amused with Error.

"WhA-at coLoR iS tHiS?" Error asked pointing at Fresh pockets, "Tat's the color green" Fresh replied, "s-So maNy cOloRs!" Error said with stars in his eyes. Fresh gave a real smile to Error, what was this feeling? He was actually SMILING?! This is a weird feeling, can it be happiness? NO! It can't be! He can't feel, so this can't be happiness...can it?

Fresh knows other feelings, like anger, frustration, sadness, but it rare for him to feel those things, but it's impossible to feel...happy...right?

"Heh, there's more colors then tis brah!" Fresh said, shrugging one of his shoulders, and leaning his head towards that shoulder, in till resting both his head and shoulder

"ReAlLy?!?" Error said excited, as he started to bend his knees up and down, "Yeah bro, I could show them to ya if u-" "YES PLEASE!!!" Error said, surprising without his glitched voice. Fresh just smiled, he could feel his face get a bit hot, but ignored the feeling

Maybe he's just sick

Fresh opened a portal and gestured that Error follow, of course, this is an excuse for Fresh to infected another AU, but making sure that Error trusted Fresh was his way of getting a new body

He was interested in Error body, sure he could of used another sans, but really...seeing how unique Error is, he HAD to posses him, he wondered what kind of power Error had, this would be fun for Fresh...

Fresh took Error to Chesstale in the Snowdin area, Error looked around at all the colors, even if the Snowdin look almost like every Snowdin there is in the multiverse

"WOW! w-What is thIs plAce?" Error asked, "This places name's Snowdin, but there are a lot of places named Snowdin, so all of us call this place Chesstale, since tis place likes the rad game chess bro" Fresh explained

"w-What's c-Chess?" Error asked, "It's a weird complicated strategies game" Fresh replied, "I lOve the ColoRs, whAt coloR is ThiS?" Error asked, pointing at a tree, "Tat's the color brown brah" Fresh replied, "OoO~" Error said, "I can make this world more colorful if ya want!" Fresh said

Error jumped up and down, "YES YES YES!!!!" Error said excited.

Really spreading the virus was easy, Fresh summoned a special bone that he taught himself to make, the bones colors were shifting to other colors in the rainbow, the bone just floated in the air as Error looked at the bone with stars in his eyes, "ThAt's prEtTy!" Error said

"Just wait till I inserted this in the ground!" Fresh said, excited to see Error expression, Fresh violently let the bone impale the ground, as a wave of colors infected the AU

"!!!" Error said, as he clapped and jumped up and down. The weird feeling started to flood up Fresh, causing Fresh to give a real smile.

Is this happiness? Well, it caused him to smile...which is rare...maybe this IS happiness...

I guess I'll keep Error longer then expected Fresh thought

"SO MANY COLORS!! SO PRETTY!!!" Error said, Error then started to ask questions about other colors

"WhAt colOr is This?"

"WHat coLor iS thAt?"

"dO yoU knoW whaT colOR thiS is?"

Fresh answered all of his questions, telling Error about all the colors, Error was so informed about colors, and had so much fun

Error was so happy seeing everyone act like Fresh, everyone ridding on skateboards, and talking the way Fresh was talking, Error got used to how Fresh spoke, and understood everything they were saying

Soon, the fun ended

Ink finally came, but a few minutes late, since he was too busy thinking about how to exactly STOP Fresh

Ink sighed looking that the mess Fresh cause, "Ugh, here come the party pooper" Fresh said, looking to the side unamuzed at Ink

"WhO's thAt?" Error asked, "No ones important brah, he a big push over man, no fun!" Fresh said smirking at Error

Error huffed and gave a pouty face, "He'S a mEaNiE! IsN't hE?" Error asked, Fresh nodded, "Come, let ya rad broseph take ya somewheres safe!" Fresh said, Error nodded, as Fresh took out his hand as Error held onto it as they teleported somewhere in the AU

"Where are we now?" Error asked with a non glitched voice as he looked in amazement, "We're in teh New Home hallways" Fresh answered, "sO maNy coLors!" Error said, "We can stay for a while sugar cube!" Fresh said as he leaned on the wall

Error sat down on the floor, not wanted to stand anymore. "WhO exActlY iS Ink?" Error asked, Fresh looked to the side, to think of the right words to make it seem as if Ink is the bad guy in his game

"Ink is the creator of all, except for me, he didn't make me, I'm just a parasite, Ink never made me a home, so I try to make home out of these AUs, but Ink doesn't want a parasite like me to have a home, so he keeps me away from these AUs" Fresh explained

"InK iS thE creAtor of AlL? sO...hE crEatED m-Me?" Error thought

Fresh never really thought about it till now...the white AU Error was in, with nothing in there but white, how Error didn't know anything about colors, now that he's even thinking about it, did Error ever eat, or drink in that AU?!

"Y-Yeah bruh, Ink a sadist, he like to see us suffer, so...he put you in that white room to see your suffering!" Fresh said

Fresh gasped at what he was realizing...Ink WAS the bad guy

Anger boiled in the pit of Fresh stomach, Ink made a sweet little guy, suffer for his own amusement, and for what?! What will Ink gain?!

Error looked down sadly, "He'S hE gonNA takE mE baCK to thE whITE rooM?..." Error asked Fresh, Error started to glitch more "!$ h3?...I$H-H-H-H-3-3-3!!!" Error asked

Fresh could tell Error was about to have a panic attack

Fresh pushed himself from the wall and sat next to Error, "He's not gunna take ya, not with my socket on ya!" Fresh said winking at Error, Error giggled a little with Fresh cute wink

"...dO yA proMise?" Error asked using a bit of Fresh slang, Fresh chuckled a bit, "I promise brah!" Fresh said taking out his pinky,

"whAt aRE y-yOu doiNG?" Error asked, "It's a way of keeping promises" Fresh said, Error smiled and wrapped his own pinky around Fresh, "I promise to protect ya sugar cube!" Fresh said, as Error blushed a little at the compliment as Fresh could feel him own self blush a light purple on his cheek

That promise would keep them attach to each other...forever...

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