Sugar is Very Sweet

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Haven and Error went to Echotale, which was at the surface. The surface in there AU was much darker than Undertale surface. There were many trees and forests, The grass was a dark long lush green, it was also cloudy and a bit dark, kinda like a horror movie

When both of them approached G Sans's house Haven let go of Error mouth and knocked on the door. "hAveN?" Error asked. Haven looked down at Error, "wHy'D yOu CoveR mY MoUth?...i wAnT tO be wItH fResH..." Error said.

Haven gave Error a sentimental look before sighing. He was about to explain till the door opened with G Sans standing at the door. "Oh? What's up Haven?" G Sans said, recognizing Haven, "Who's your friend?" G Sans asked, "Oh it's uhh...he's someone Ink told me to protect, that parasite seems to want him for some reason, and we don't have many places to go, do you think we can stay here till I figure out where else to go?" Haven asked.

G Sans smiled, "Course my friend! Come on in! Frisk was just making some tea, I could ask if she could make you guys some," G Sans said, moving out the way as Haven and Error walked in.

G Sans closed the door behind them as Error went straight to their couch and sat down on it. "Hey G, do you know any places we could hide at?" Haven asked, "Hmm...well, have you heard of a guy named Mecha?" G Sans asked Haven shook his head. "Well, to put it simply, he's like...a cyborg? Or maybe a robot? I'm not entirely sure, but we're friends! I could show you the AU if you'd like!" G Sans said.

Haven smiled, "Thanks! I would like that!" Haven smiled. "G! Who was at the door?" Frisk asked as she walked out of the kitchen. Error looked at Echotale Frisk. She had a crop top on with a choker on her neck, with shorts on and boots.

Error didn't really enjoy how much skin she was showing to everyone. "Oh? Who are these people?" Frisk asked, "Frisk, this is my friend Haven!" G Sans introduced, "He's here with the other one since Fresh is after them, they needed a place to stay till they figure out some other place to go," G Sans explained.

"Oh!" Frisk grinned, "Uh- The other skeleton is named Error, by the way," Haven informed them. "Well, it's nice to meet you both!" Frisk said. "Would you both like some tea?" Frisk asked, "Sure, but give Error cold tea, I'm not sure if he can handle hot stuff," Haven said.

Frisk nodded without any question and went back into the kitchen, "Well, make yourself comfortable, and be careful in the woods, lots of people walk in there who might be anti-monster, we just recently got to the surface and most humans nearby aren't too happy about it," G Sans warned.

Haven nodded taking in that note. Haven walked over to Error and sat next to him. Error put his hands to his legs, looking down. Haven looked over at Error face, which to him looked uncomfortable.

Haven did a fake yawn and stretched, putting both his arms up before relaxing and resting his arm around Error shoulder.

Error looked in surprise a bit, before looking over at Haven. Haven gave a smile, which made Error smiled a little.

"I still never got the chance to show you my feelings," Haven said, "I kNOw," Error said, "wOuLd YoU lIkE tO ShOw Me NoW?" Error asked, ", later, at a better time," Haven said.

Error nodded and rested his head on Haven's shoulder, "...i MisS fResH..." Error said. Haven sighed and looked away from Error, "I know...but he's bad, he might hurt you, or me, Error," Haven explained.

"That's why I covered your mouth...just imagine what he would do to me, to you," Haven said, looking back at Error with a sad face.

Error did think about it. It seems like Fresh would do anything for him, he doesn't want his new friend to be hurt by him because Fresh likes Error too much, but...he wanted Fresh to take him away, he didn't want to run away from him, he wanted to be with him, "wElL mAyBe iF i wAs-s wiTh fReSh a-a-AnD tAlk tO-" Haven cut Error off

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