A Starry Friend turns to Betrayal

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Haven brought Error to Outertale, into the city were monsters were walking around, "WhErE ARe wE?" Error asked, "We're in Outertale, we're here to see a buddy of mine, to keep you safe," Haven told him. Haven held his hand as he guided Error to Outer house. He knocked on the door to Outer house as Outer opened the door.

"Oh, hey Haven! What's brought you here?" Outer asked, "We have a little situation, I'm supposed to protect my buddy Error here, but...knowing me, I'm too sweet to hurt the person trying to kidnap him," Haven said.

Outer chuckled, "That's okay, keep those morals! It's something to cherish!" Outer winked, "Anyways, I just need your help with protecting him," Haven said, "Oh sure! But it's probably best not to stay here, we get attacked a lot since this place is super popular with all the stars and stuff," Outer said

"Yeah, I figured we couldn't stay here for long, know any place we could go that's safe?" Haven asked, "Probably Undertale, it doesn't get attacked a lot since it's the original AU and without it, we all wouldn't exist...at least that's why Ink said," Outer said

"Mmhh...interesting? But okay!" Haven said. Outer walked out of his house and closed his door, "So, let's go!" Outer said with a smile.

Suddenly there was an explosion from afar, "We need to go!" Haven said. Outer opened up a portal to Undertale as Haven pulled Error with him as the three escaped.

On the other hand, Fresh was destroying the AU with his Fresh virus as everyone turned Freshed-out and started to throw colorful bombs around with powter in them because it was colorful and cool.

Fresh looked around for Error around the AU. He knew they should be here, but they couldn't find them. He also didn't find Outer which was strange, unless he wasn't in the AU, but either way...Outer would be affected since he's part of the code.

Fresh chuckled, "I will have my sugar cube, nothing will stop me," Fresh chuckled under breath.

Is this what they call obsessive, or madly insane? What was this intense feeling, and why? This is so weird, so many emotions sprouting out of him just because of one person, Error...how in the world did he do this?!

He's so special, something addictive that Fresh needed to have, to keep, not to possess, but to just...HAVE someone to go to just to feel someone, he's hold something dear to Fresh it's like he's...

No, he couldn't! He doesn't even know if that's how he's feeling, he's never felt love before so he could just be desperate for Error, so he can feel what others feel-

But other than that, Fresh is determined to get Error back...

Outer, Error, and Haven got to Undertale, undetected by Fresh luckily. In Undertale, Sans was already at the surface. They were in a neighborhood where Sans's house usually is. They walked around a little before well, getting to his house, which looked the same as the one that was underground, somehow-

Haven knocked on the door and Sans answered it, "Oh! Hey better me! And space me," Sans smirked, "Hey, we were wondering if we could stay with you," Haven chuckled, "Sure thing! But why?" Sans asked, "Our buddy Error is being targeted by Fresh for some reason," Haven explained, "Oh gosh, isn't he destroying AUs?" Sans asked, "Yeah, it's getting worst and worst he seemed to be chasing Error for some reason-" Outer said

"Alright then, come make yourselves at home!" Sans smirked as he let them inside. Outer walked in last but stopped a little from glitching a little

It felt weird and felt as if he was ripping apart, but it didn't last long. No one seemed to notice except for him. "Coming in Outer?" Sans asked, looking back at him, "Uh- yeah," Outer said, finally walking in fully, closing the door

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