The Dark Ages

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Once Ink left to go check up on the multiverse, Error went to go practice magic. He somewhat remembered what he did to teleport, and barely had a good mindset of what to do. He knows all he needs to do is think of a place around the house.

He had to really concentrate to. No part of that area should be missing or forgotten or it won't work. When he did get the hang of it, he tried opening a portal.

Whenever he did try, he'd just teleport in the house somewhere. He continued this till he gave up and decided to get one of Ink horrible sandwiches in the fridge...and maybe change out of his ripped clothes.

He grabbed and sandwich, biting into it as he headed upstairs. He did remember the clothing he saw before. A long jacket with long sleeves that fade blue, and those long pants that also faded blue.

He took off his old clothes and put a red sweater on, along with the jacket, pants, and a blue scarf. He decided to change the shoes as well, as he found black sandals to wear.

He sat on the floor of his room, nibbling his sandwich. "hMM...How Do i open poRtals?" he thought to himself. He was just found by Fresh, he isn't sure how he's able to make portals.

If it's anything like teleporting, then why can't he open a portal around the house?

Is it different from teleporting?

He wasn't sure.

"If I Can move Around thE house bY telEportiNg...and aUs are liKe winDows to other Aus then...hOw do I Open that wIndow withOut teleportiNg," he asked himself

"It mUst be aBout I thInk of...aN AU...aNY AU," Error told himself, closing his eyes to think.

What should he think about...

The first thing in mind...


He thought of someone raising a middle finger.

He opened his eyes in confusion before he made the face of frustration, "WHAT COULD IT BE?!" He explained, flaying his arms around before a portal opened in front of him.

"HoW dId I...nO nEEd to qUEStions! I nEEd to lEave!" He huffed as he went through, escaping the house while he could.

Once escaped he glanced at the portal...unsure how to close it. He motioned with his hands for it to close, in which it did as shown. "Ha...interesting..." Error smirked. He looked around.

Error seemed to have teleported into Underfell, or what he knows as 'the dark ages'. He seemed to be out in the open. He was looking around a little bit before he heard the crunches of someone coming.

He rushed to the bushes and forest to hide as he stayed as quiet as possible. "And make sure you stay up this time!!" a loud, tall, and obnoxious skeleton yelled. A small skeleton, about the size of him, walked by.

He sighed and grumbled curse words. "ALRIGHT! I get it!... Jeez, you're always on my neck," the smaller skeleton huffed as he continued to walk off.

Error glanced at the skeleton before he decided to continue to navigate through the forest and bushes while he could.

He continued on, sneaking past the guards, along with the tall Papyrus named Edge who was recalibrating his which, don't work well if Error was able to pass through the forest.

Error kept going till he reached Snowdin. He continued to navigate behind the building. He reached a house which was Edge and Fell house. He helped himself to enter the house. It was messy in the house. There was mustard bottles on the floor and weird stains on the carpet and wall.

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