You Can't Leave

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"N0 T@@@@222@2kkkkk3333333 m33333eeEeee backKkkk!!" Error yelled in agony and sadness. Dancetale brought Error to Blue house, "Please calm down! I'm not going to hurt you!" Dancetale Sans said, sitting Error down on Blue's couch.

"I!!11! I waNnA gO BacKKK!!!" Error yelled, tears falling down his face. "Brother, what should we do?" Dancetale Papyrus said, "Not sure" his brother replied, "Hopefully Blue will find a way to cheer them up...but they seem so heartbroken...I wonder why..." Dancetale thought, "Maybe because they like Fresh?" Dancetale Papyrus said, "But why? He's dangerous!" Dancetale Sans said.

Papyrus shrugged, not know what else could answer his question. Error curled in a ball, and kept crying in his knees, "I waNna FrEsH bAcKkkk!" Error said, "Please calm down! Everything is fine!" Dancetale Sans said, "Do you want something to eat or drink?" Dancetale Sans asked, "I WaNntT FReSH!!!" Error yelled back, wailing in tears.

"Maybe we should stop bothering them brother..." Dancetale Sans's brother said, "I don't want to leave them alone...they might try to find...'HIM'" Dancetale Sans replied.

"I guess your right...say, do you think our friends back at home are safe?" Dancetale Papyrus asked, a bit sadly, "Not sure, I hope they're okay..." his brother replied.

Soon the door opened and Blue walked in with a bag of groceries. "What's happening here?" Blue said. Dancetale Sans looked at Error. "Oh, poor thing!" Blue said, closing the door, placing the bags down and going over to Error, hugging them.

Error jumped at sudden contact, causing him to glitch more

"Are you okay? Everything will be okay, no need to cry, I'll make everything alright!" Blue said. To Dancetale Sans, Blue sounded like a mother, to his brother, Blue sounded like a great friend.

Error sort of calmed down, hearing that he'll make everything alright...that means he'll make things better, so there's a chance he'll get what he see Fresh.

Blue wiped Error tears as Error sniffed. His breathing was shaky and erratic. "Alright, you must be thirsty from cry, let me get you a glass of water," Blue said. Error nodded as Blue stopped hugging Error and rushed to the kitchen.

"Welp! I think Blue can handle this now..." Dancetale Sans said, "Come on Paps! We'll leave this to Blue now!" Dancetale Sans said. Dancetale Papyrus nodded as Sans opened a portal and both of them left.

Blue came back with a glass of water for me. "Here!" Blue said. I took the glass of water, uncurling from a ball, teardrops soaked in my clothes. I took a sip of the cold water and gave it back to Blue.

Blue smiled at me, "Feel better?" Blue asked I nodded, "Alright then...My name is Blue, what about you?" Blue asked me, "My NaME is ErROr..." I replied, "Error...fits you!" Blue said with a smile. I gave a small smile, "BLUe?" I said, "Hum?" Blue said, "CaN I sEE FResH?" I ask.

Blue looked to the side, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that..." Blue said, "WhY!?" I ask quickly, "It's just that...recently Fresh has been a threat to universes and the lives of others...I feel like he's using you...." Blue said.

"UsIn?g mE?, no were fRiEnDS..." Error said. Blue shook his head, "No...he's not" Blue said with sentimental eye.

Error looked down in thought. Had Fresh really been using him? And for what? All they did was play, so what could he have been using him for?

"Fresh has been killing and destroying so many AUs, causing a lot of people pain...causing Ink pain...he's been trying to stop Fresh for the longest time, trying to save everyone he can, so...that's why we took you away, he might be planning to hurt you, do you understand?" Blue told me.

I looked to the side sadly, and nodded with a glitched hum. Blue smiled, "! Are you hungry? I could make you tacos, or some pasta! I've learned how make spaghetti from Undertale Papyrus!" Blue said with a smile.

"nO...I'm not HuNgrY rigHT nOW..." I told Blue, as Blue hummed, "Alright then...Hold on, stay here, I'm gonna give you something!" Blue said, getting up, going upstairs into his room.

The sounds of bones shaking came from the room Blue was in till he came out the room with a blue blanket. Blue came back downstairs and covered me up. "There! Now you'll stay warm! Everything will be okay! Me and my friends will sort this out!" Blue said with a reassuring smile.

I chuckled at Blue, calmed downed by Blue confidence. I guess everything will be okay. I just hope Fresh finds me though, and takes me away for fun.

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