FreshTale 2.0

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Ink has begun his quest, he'd has already finished making Brokentale, and Chesstale again, and now he need to make Freshtale again! And hopefully, Fresh won't devour everyone!

Ink started with the begining of the story, the flowerbed that the human falls on. Ink painted the flowers purple and blue, and started to paint the area black at first, but the door to the ruins is yellow, green, purple, and blue.

Ink then made Flowey. Flowey had shades, and his petals were three different colors. Blue, purple, and orange. Flowey also had a golden chain, that he was somehow able to wear.

Flowey had the personality that Fresh always gives. Of course it isn't perfect, but Ink tried to get as close as possible to Fresh.

Then it was Toriel. Toriel ears would be dyed in purple and blue on her left ear, and purple and green, on her right, and would wear shades that had the letters {T_O} on it, and her clothes would be pink instead of purple, and she'd be extremely fast, and full of energy.

The ruins colors would be random, and the colors wouldn't go together. And occasionally, there would be random stuff like lenny faces, and graffiti 

Napstablook would, almost be the same, except he wears a green hat and a gold chain that says [DJ] on it.

Ink would create all these places and all these character with the 90s trash theme. Wearing all these ridiculous clothes that don't match with each other, and very confusing langues, and eyesore backgrounds.

As much as Ink likes colors, he doesn't like it when colors don't match, or looks like an eyesore. Call it OCD, or just a plain pet peeve, it very...awkward making this AU.

Though, Ink had to admit, there theme songs are the best trait about them, as much as it can get annoying, it's better then everything else about these characters.

After Ink was finished, and everything was Freshed-ed up, it was only time when Fresh finds this AU, and hopefully doesn't destroy it, or do anything drastic to this AU ESPECIALLY made JUST for Fresh, so he'd stop destroying others.

"Welp, I guess I shouldn't frighten Fresh, as much as I can't do that...he'll figure this place out like he usually does...and if he destroys this AU...then I guess I'll just have to destroy him..." Ink said darkly, as he teleported away to attend to other AUs

Error and Fresh were finished making flower crowns, and played and talked, Error had so much fun! and Fresh was actually enjoying himself, playing with Error, and seeing him smile, it warmed him in some weird way. A way Fresh can't describe, it's like a heater in your stomach, warming your insides, in till it's VERY hot, and it feels as if your internally bleeding from the heat.

At the moment, Error and Fresh were looking up at the clouds, calling out the shapes and object they see...well, Fresh was mostly doing that, since Error doesn't know too much.

"...and that looks like a basketball!" Fresh said, "BAskETbA!l?" Error questioned, "It's a rad-some game ya play with a ball bruh, we should tots play it sometime, I could teach ya to play!" Fresh said, Error smiled, "I'D liKe thAT!" Error said, as Fresh chuckled

"DoES FreSH haVE friENds-s-s?" Error asked, Fresh shook his head, "Nah, B. No one really trust meh...for gud reasons, and fa bad..." Fresh said looking to the side, "WeLL...they'RE misSing ouT on uR fuN!" Error said, with a bit of Fresh slang in his sentence, as he smile and giggled at himself.

Fresh looked over to Error and smiled, hearing Error use a bit of his slang, "Did ya just-..." Fresh chuckled, and blushed a bit of purple, as Error in return blushed a light yellow, "Ur really some 'em kid!" Fresh said with a chillaxed smirk on his face

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