Flower Crown

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Ink was left with all the other Fresh-ed out people of Chesstale, "Oh boy, where could they have gone now?!" Ink said.

All the Fresh-ed out people of looked at Ink with a weird, expressionless stare that it brought a chill down Ink spine. Ink started to walk away, as he passed monsters

But the monster followed him, walking at the same pace...

It freaked Ink out so he started to speed walk but then the monsters started to speed walk as well, it came to the fact that Ink started to run away from then, but the monsters chased him.

"Oh god! This is new!!" Ink screamed as he head to waterfall.

At the edge of waterfall, all of the snowdin monsters stopped at the edge and started to screech at Ink 

"I'm definitively NOT going back!" Ink said as he kept on running. Soon enough he stopped to catch his breath. Ink breathed heavily, but the humid air in waterfall isn't making it better

The air felt dense, and a bit hard to breath, for some unknown reason. Ink decided it's best to rest, and sit down on the damp wall of waterfall.

Waterfall colors were more shifty, the colors shifted from red, to orange, to yellow, to so on and so forth.

The walls were damp and wet for some reason the artificial stars seemed to be swelling. This AU was about to be destroyed in a few minutes.

Ink felt like cry, he failed to keep another AU safe...Ink would have to make copies of these AU if he wants to keep them all alive...

Ink sighed, "...Why is Fresh purpose...why is he doing this?!" Ink asked himself, "He used to have a home in till he destroyed it, and that's his fault, he's a outcode! So why is he destroying other AU?! What will he gain?!!" Ink asked himself, frustrated

Ink slammed his fist on his forehead, "Think Think THINK!" Ink yelled at himself. Soon an artificial star broke from the ceiling and fell to the floor

Ink stopped pounding his hand on his head, and thought for a moment...

"The stars are AUs...that AU broke from it's orginial place because of the swelling...the swelling...is Fresh? Maybe? Why would he want to get rid of AUs?...maybe he's angry that he's AU got destroyed...but it was his fault his own AU got destroyed!...maybe he's trying to make a new home?...it's either of those, but if it will stop Fresh from destroying others then so be it! I'll have to make Fresh a new home!" Ink said, as soon as he said that the AU started to glitch

The AU started to turn white, as it  was glitching, and soon there was nothing more...

Ink sighed again. "Welp!...first I gotta finish Brokentale, then Chesstale, and finally have the time to make Freshtale again!" Ink said as he opened a portal to the unfinished Brokentale AU to finish up and get to Chesstale then Freshtale

Fresh and Error had already left the AU since it was breaking. They decided to go to a peaceful place, nothing special for Fresh to ruin, but a place where Fresh likes to hangout

It was a field of grass, with a few flowers here and there, the sun seemed to always be burning bright, and tress scattered around the place for shade

"WoAh! Is thIS yoUr homE?" Error asked, "U can say tat bruh" Fresh said shrugging. It wasn't Fresh real home, but it's a place Ink doesn't know about, and a place where Fresh retreats to sometimes when he's in a fight.

"sO manY colOrs h-h-h-heRe!" Error said, "Heh, seems like you've nev'a seen colors man" Fresh said, "I haven't only the colors I wear! I knOW I weAr blUe and blAck noW, anD thE colOr yelLOw, anD mY BoneS conSiSit of ReD" Error said, "Sweet brah!" Fresh said, "Ur learnin'!" Fresh added, "LearNiN?" Error asked, "Mad skills through experience, study, or by bein' taught dawg!" Fresh explained, "Oh! ExpErIeNce..." Error smiled

Happiness seemed to have been coming back in Fresh without him realizing it. Error sat down in the grass and felt the texture of the grass, something he's never done before in his life. The grass was smooth, but the sides felt pointy, like a knife

"O-O-OoO~" Error said, Fresh chuckled and sat down next to Error, "You've nev'a really seen anythin' brah, haven't cha?" Fresh asked, "NoPe, nOt a tHinG, eXcePt whItE...thOUGh I wAs neVEr reAlLY aLoNE!" Error said, "Whut cha mean by tat?" Fresh asked, "As in there were voices talking to me, though they weren't friendly...they said mean stuff to me, and told me to do bad things, like break my bones, or to kill myself, what ever the word 'kill' meant" Error told Fresh

The anger, and hatred for Ink started to boil up in him again, that the power in his eye started to show, "...UhM FreSh, youR eYE is GolWing..." Error pointed out, "O-Oh, sorry bro, tat's just a t'ing that happens is all" Fresh said, "O-O-Oh, okAy!" Error said smiling

Error was being so cute that Fresh started to blush, as his hatred and anger turned into lov-

WAIT! NO! It can't be! He doesn't know what emotions are! He can't feel happy, he can't feel what normal people, or monster call love...it's impossible...plus, he's gonna get rid of Error sooner or later, so it's best not to get attached, you can't love someone you just met, that's for sure...

Fresh looked to the side, "Wanna make a flower crown?" Fresh asked, Error nodded as they started to pick flowers from the ground and started to tie them to make a crown...

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