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The TV would be blasting NTT programs, and sitting on the green couch would be Blue, with a bowl of popcorn as he'd watch the human in a cooking show. The show was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Coming!" He shouted as he hopped up from the couch, placed the bowl of popcorn down, and walked over to the door.

He opened it with a smile before his smile shrunk into worry and confusion. It was his friend Dream, but also Fresh behind him.

Last he remembers, they were enemies- 

"Uhh- Dream-" He whispered, pointing behind him, wondering if Dream knew. "Yes, Blue...he's with me-" Dream clarified. "May we come in?" Dream asked. Blue opened the door wider and backed up for them to enter. 

"Why is Fresh with you?" Blue asked Dream. "Ever since Error had killed those people...I suppose Fresh had a change of-" Dream turned to Fresh. Fresh looked at him confused as to why he stopped talking.

Dream was contemplating if Fresh even had a soul. "Well- you get the point," Dream turned back to Blue. "Uh huh...does Ink know-" Blue asked. Dream shook his head, "He doesn't need to know...yet- right now, I just...want to ask for your help-" Dream smiled nervously.

Blue brows furrowed with a frown at Fresh. "You hurt a lot of people-" He pointed to Fresh condescendingly. Fresh bowed his head... "T'was never my intent 4 E-Bro to follow in my radtastic shoes Blue bud- ya' gotta understand! Harm 'n my fun! My bad broskis!!" He shrugged with a wide grin.

Blue scrunched his nose at Fresh's weird lingo.

"...Ehe- my bad dawg-" Fresh sweated a little, rubbing the back of his neck as he apologized. 

"...Well, you can be forgiven by fixing your mistake!" Blue placed his hands on his hip, raising his chin. "Having LV without training is an awful offense!" Blue told him. Fresh nodded as he was being scolded for his unrad antics.

"Now that we all have the same goal in mind- we need Ink on board to...tolerate you-" Dream narrowed his eyes.

"Have what Fresh has done? Ink is the most hurt from it all?" Blue asked.

"I know it's a tall order- but if we're going to help Error, it must be all of us...I have a feeling that...despite Ink, you, and my own efforts to help Error...we just traumatized and scared him in the process...Imagine it as if a child was being parted from its mother...they don't understand what's going on...perhaps Error didn't even realize what Fresh was doing was bad-" Dream shrugged

Blue understood- "I suppose, let's hope Ink doesn't come here guns blazing-" Blue said as Dream pulled out his phone to call Ink.

"...I have a few questions though, Fresh-" Blue looked over to Fresh. Fresh raised a hypothetical brow.

"Where did Error even come from...what did you even want with Error?" Blue asked.

"I found em in 'n empty AU! Just E-Dawg was there...I WAS gonna all up and possesses em...buuttt uhh-" Fresh blushed as he looked to the side. "H-He was too cool and all!" He made up an excuse.

"An empty AU?" Blue glanced at Dream. "It's hard to believe but Fresh took me was all white and seemed never ending..." Dream explained. "I have no idea if Ink did that on purpose or just...perhaps forgot?" Dream speculated.

"But even Ink doesn't like white spaces-" Blue added. Dream wasn't sure about Ink's reasoning for why they do what they do. "Anyway- we'll get our answers once Ink gets here-" Dream pressed enter on his phone-

Within a few seconds, it was shown that Ink had read his text message and immediately spawned. The sounds of liquid could be heard in the kitchen from the sink pipe as shuffling could be heard as Ink scampered out.

A paintbrush in hand he'd furrow his brows, ready to fight. "YOU." He pointed to Fresh. Dream pulled Fresh back and got in between Ink and Fresh.

"Ink- put the brush down.." Dream tried to reason. "That parasite deserves my brush in his face!!" Ink pointed angrily to Fresh. "He apologized!!" Dream blocked Ink's vision to Fresh, making sure Ink was only looking at him.

"Apologized?! An Apology doesn't fix all the clean-up I had to do after him!! I had to remake all those broken AU's from scratch!!" Ink huffed at Dream.

"He wants to help- he's on our side! Regardless, you have explaining to do!" Dream huffed. Ink attached his paintbrush to his back, standing up straight from his fighting position.

"And what explaining must I do? Why I'M in the right? Why HE'S in the wrong? Must I remind you of all the damage he caused that we had to clean up? Or perhaps how he ripped my arm clean off!?" Ink was pissed.

"I'm talking about how Fresh even found Error! He said he found him in an empty void by himself!" Dream huffed.

Ink tilted his head in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Ink asked. "Did you forget about Error or did you leave him like that?" Dream asked him

"...Dream, the multiverse is VAST. It's even too much for ME to handle-" Ink shrugged. "That's not an excuse to forget him!" Dream scolded. "That's not what I'm saying Dream...I'm the Protector of the AUs. I don't make them all..." Ink shook his head.

"AU's are made by themselves or by...things out of our control-" Ink explained the best way possible. "When those AUs are corrupted I'm supposed to fix them back to the way they were..." Ink spoke.

"So why didn't you fix Error's AU?" Blue asked. "...Because it ISN'T broken? I'm telling you right now, all AU's are fine right now. I can feel when an AU is distressed from all the tattoos on my body...and all are functional and well-" Ink explained.

"...So- it wasn't you who placed him in there Squid?" Fresh asked.

Ink shook his head. "I fix AU's that are white void...basically recreating them, however, they aren't... per se MY AUs..." Ink tilted his head trying to explain.

"It's hard to explain when you aren't me-" Ink spoke.

"So who did?" Fresh asked.

"...Best guess- either some timeline of choices, or some being we can't see!" Ink shrugged. "Now about this white void-" Ink mentioned.

"Show it to me-" Ink requested. Dream, Blue, and Fresh looked at each other. Dream would open the portal to where Fresh had led them before. Ink would step into the portal first, the others following behind...however, Blue would grab the bowl of popcorn and jump into the portal before it closed. 

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