An Error Has Occured

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Ccino was rushing around with Error, holding Error arm as Error stumbled a bit, following Ccino. "wHeN wIlL I bE aBlE tO sEe fReSH?!" Error exclaimed, "Look, we need to focus on looking for Outer," Ccino said

Error recognized that name. It was when Haven was trying to keep him away from Fresh. Error tugged away, "Uh- Error come on! I know we're almost there and then I can answer your question!" Ccino exclaimed.

Error kept pulling away, "nOo00-o-o-0! f-FrEsHhHh-h-h-#-h#!" Error yelled, trying to get away from Ccino, "Please! Stop it!" Ccino turned to Error and grabbed onto Error arm tighter with both hands, "Now let's go! You're in danger with Fresh!" Ccino growled

"I'M IN DANGER WITH YOU!! HELP! I'M BEINF KIDNAPPED!!" Error yelled, crying. Others looked at Ccino, "N-No! Shush!!" Ccino exclaimed to Error

"H-HHh-EeeE-3-3-e-llPpp!!!" Error screamed and cried. Others gave a disturbed looked. "Shush! I'm helping you!" Ccino yelped back to Error. "Hey! Leave him alone!" a monster walked over to them.

It was Outer's Papyrus. Most people call him Star.

Star came over to the both of them as he picked up Error from Ccino. Star looked over to Ccino, "Huh? Aren't you, my brother's friend?" Star asked. Error was whimpering and shaking, "Yes! I was looking for your brother, but the one you're holding is crying, trying to get away from me," Ccino said

"Ohhhh, okay then, I know where my brother is!" Star smiled. Error started yelling away, "nNOnO! dOn'T Tt-t-tAke mE tOooO hII--1-1!-1Mm!!!" Error yelled, screaming, and struggling.

To Star it was like trying to hold a fish that was alive that was trying to get back into the water.Error ripped Stars arms away from him, dropping him to the floor before Error started to run away, "ERROR!" Ccino yelped, running after Error.

"I-I'll find Outer!" Star told Ccino as he ran in the opposite direction.

Error didn't know this place as well as he ran in random directions. Ccino couldn't predict him, and he would use magic, but he just seems scared and wants to go back to Fresh because he THINKS he's his friend.

"ERROR! PLEASE! LET ME EXPLAIN!!" Ccino yelled for Error. Error turned to a corner and noticed a pipe as he started to quickly climb it up to the rooftop.

Ccino turned the corner and looked in the alleyway, running in to see if Error kept running away. He didn't know Error climbed the pipe.

Error sighed as he plopped down to his back, catching his breath. "...f-F-FrEsH...." Error wiped his eyes from his tears, "I-I wIsH...tHIs pLaCe wAsN'T sOoO cRuEl..." Error whimpered, "...iF i KnEw iT wAs lIkE tHiS...I wOuLdn'T hAvE lEfT tHe wHitE rOoM...i'm cAuSinG sO mUcH tROublE...." Error whimpered, trying to keep quiet as tears fell from his face.

Error stood up after a few more seconds. "i nEeD tO hIdE sO yOu cAn fInD mE, fReSh..." Error said. Error looked around from where he was to get down. He saw a dumpster as he jumped from it, putting his hood up as he kept walking in the alleyways and shadows.

Ccino kept looking and couldn't find him, although Star and Outer found Ccino, "What's up?" Outer asked, "Error's here! I can't find him!" Ccino said, "I'll get Ink, you two keep finding him!" Outer said

Star and Ccino nodded as they all split ways.

Error was wary of where he walked, and where he would pass through. Error slipped into a clothing store, taking his jacket off as he tied it around his waist, taking a random fluffy hoodie before putting it on.

Error picked up a black shirt and white pants as he walked over to a changing room, walking in there freely as he put the clothes on over his normal clothes, zipping the jacket as he left the dressing room.

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