The Ink of the Party

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Ink quickly attacked Fresh. Fresh pushed Error out the way and took the damage. "Heh, ur serious 'bout tis huh?" Fresh said. Ink strengthened his angry look, "Fine then, bro...I'll play your sadistic game for a while..." Fresh said.

Fresh then attacked with a more complicated patterned then before. Colored bones, left and right.

Red meaning certain defeat, orange meaning to run as fast as you can. Yellow is hitting the attack, green gives you more health and reverse some of the effects of Fresh bones, light blue staying as still as possible, blue makes you more heavier then before, and purple only gives you a limit about of space to move, like your on strings.

Ink moved, punched, and kept still. It's VERY hard to keep up when each bone color means a different thing.

That's the special thing about Fresh.





Light Blue








Light blue


Ink got damage a bunch, forgetting the meaning of the random pattern. Feeling heavy, it was Ink turn to attack. Ink took out his paint brush, and started splashing paint on the snow below Fresh, as random bone attacks came up.

Ink bones poking up from Fresh feet, but to Fresh it was like a majestic dance to him. Fresh moving his feet to the random rhythm of Ink bones, so he knows where to step, like a little dancing game.

Ink hated how Fresh could adapt to Ink attacks.

Error watched from a far, feeling uneasy, especially since Ink, he's creator, was fighting his friend. If Fresh is to lose, Error might have to go back to the white room...and never get out again.

As Fresh and Ink fought, and when back and forth. Ink started getting more tired and tired, as Fresh still had energy in him.

Ink was breathing heavily, as Fresh didn't even break a sweat. "Ya seem tired'z 'bout ya take a very longz nap" Fresh said walking up to Ink.

Ink felt his legs shake, his bones feeling heavy from all the blue bones he's hit. Ink fell to his knees, and looked up at Fresh.

Fresh held a very colorful bone. His Fresh virus. The bone shifted from one color to another, as Fresh gave a deadly grin to Ink.

His sockets glowed a strong purple, as his shades slid down from his face a bit to reveal his eyes. A soul in his right eye, and his eyelight in his left.

"Nighty night squidboi~" Fresh said, before wacking Ink in the head with the colorful bone, and stabbing the colorful snow with his bone.

A big wave of power pushed through the AU, as everything became more Fresh-ier. The snow started changing colors, not in a soft way, it flashed different colors quickly, to red, then orange, and so on and so forth. Everything was way more crazier.

Fresh jogged over to Error and grabbed his hand, "Come on! While we have time!" Fresh said, as he started running back to Snowdin.


Thank ChokingFlower for pushing me to do this :D Loaf ya!

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