My Feelings For You Error

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The next morning, Error woke up alone. He sat up and looked around, "Haven?" he said clearly. He whimpered as he pulled his legs closer to his chest, "ArE yoU theEre?" he called. Soon the sounds of sticks and twig broke.

Error jumped and rushed further into the cave in fear. He started to breathe heavily, but quietly. His chest rising and falling quickly before someone said his name.

"Error? You there?" Haven said. Error sighed a breath of relief before walking out to see Haven in the entrance of the cave, "YoU sCarEd mE..." Error said, "Oh, I'm sorry," Haven said a bit sadly and calm.

"I didn't want to wake you so I went to get some lunch!" Haven said, "LuNcH?" Error asked, "It's just a few apples, I couldn't find anything else in this forest," Haven said walking over to Error, handing him three, leaving him with two. Error looked up at Haven, noticing that the ratio wasn't fair

"Don't worry, I'll be fine with two, just eat, you'll need it," Haven said, taking a bite into one as it crunched. Error rose a brow and tried biting into the apple. It was a slow bite, but he was able to take a chunk from it. He chewed and swallowed it and hummed from its sweet taste.

Haven smiled with a light tint of blush, "You're adorable when you eat you know," Haven said, "HuH? WhAT dO yOu MEan?" Error asked, "How you enjoy the taste and how you just...look! It's cute!" Haven smirked.

Error smiled, seeing it as a compliment, "ThANKs I guESs!" Error said. "Anyways, let's get deeper into the cave, just in case," Haven said. Error nodded and went deeper into the cave.

Ink on the other hand was in Underswap, waiting for Dream and Blue to heal and wake up. He tried ignoring the burning sensation in his bones, knowing an original AU was being destroyed, but his arm was still being painted.

Swap was healing the crack on Blue face, concerned for his brother, "What the hell happened?" Swap asked Ink who was sitting on a chair in Blue room, "Fresh of course," Ink said. His speech was a bit muffled with having a colored pencil in his mouth while trying to paint his arm back with a smaller brush.

"Of course...that parasite," Swap said, "He's after a skeleton named Error, not sure why...I just hope Haven still with him," Ink said.

Dream started to hum, stirring awake. Ink looked up at Dream and spat the pencil out his mouth and stopped painting his arm, rushing over, "Dream?! You okay?" He asked. Dream started to sit up, holding his skull, "I-I...think? What happened?" Dream asked, "You were knocked out," Ink said.

Dream fully opened his eyes and immediately looked at Ink arm before shrieking, waking Blue up, which made Blue sit up quickly.

"Wha?! What's going on!?" Blue yelled before groaning as his head became dizzy, "Woah bro! Lay back down...I'm not done healing you..." Swap said, "B-Brother?..." Blue glanced at him, "Welp, now that you both are okay, I need to go!" Ink grinned, "W-Wait! Ink, your arm! What happened?!" Dream asked

"It got chomped off from me trying to save you, that's all," Ink said, "You...saved me?" Dream asked, "Yeah, is there a problem? Or would you like to be slowly dying from a loss of blood? And dragging you both here wasn't easy! Especially with one arm!" Ink said

"Shouldn't you fix your arm?" Dream asked, "That can wait, an original is about to break, and I'm not sure how long it has before it does so!" Ink said, opening a portal to Outertale.

"He'll be alright...I'm sure," Swap told Dream, "Just take a break, Ink said you took a beating..." Swap said, "...Thank you," Dream said, "Anything to get back at that parasite..." Swap glared at the thought of him

Once Ink got there, he saw the AU glitching aggressively and the code-breaking slowly. "I gotta be quick! The code is breaking!" Ink worried as he immediately started to try and fix this world before it was destroyed.

Fresh on the other hand was looking everywhere for Error and Haven. Any colorful and friendly AUs he could think that Haven would hang in, but couldn't find him in a single one.

He wouldn't see Haven as the type to go to the dangerous AUs...but he started to go to the more Kill or be Killed AUs to look for Error, but it took a while.

Haven and Error were giggling and talking in the cave, having fun while they still could. "You know're cute when you glow up like that!" Haven blushed.

"GlOw up? I'm glOwing?" Error said, looking at himself, "No! I meant your eyes and smile! They're so...happy! Like your glowing!" Haven explained, "WeLL...yOUr face is glOwing tOO!" Error said. Haven chuckled, "Thank you Error!" Haven said

"Y' know..getting to know you...and teach you, I've been having these...feelings-" Haven said, rubbing the back of his neck. Error tilted his head, "Huh? WHAt do y-Y-yOu mean fEEliNGs?" Error asked

"You don't know what feelings are?" Haven asked. Error shook his head, "'s a fuzzy weird feeling in your soul," Haven said. Error gasped in concern, "Is your soul alright?" Error asked, "Are you okay? You're not gonna die are you?" Error asked with his voice clear, scooting closer to Haven, placing a hand on his chest to check his heart rate.

"Pfft- I'm fine!" Haven smiled. Error sigh a breath of relief, "It's a good fuzzy feeling Error!... Maybe I need to show you what I mean," Haven said, "Huh? SHOw M-mE?" Error asked

Haven placed a hand on Error cheek. Error looked into Haven's eyes, and blushed, "uM...WhaT aRe yoU DOing? w-Why Are YoOu tOUChiNg my FAce?" Error said, a bit uncomfortable.

"Just relax...I'm not gonna hurt you," Haven told Error. Error tried to relax his shoulder, but he was just so tense. Haven rubbed Error cheek with him thumb as Error nerves became a bit trusting of him, causing Error to let his guard down just a little.

Haven moved a bit closer to Error, inches apart. Error closed his eyes in a bit of fear, not sure what he was doing to him.

Haven was just about to savagely click teeth with Error till a familiar voice called Error name.

"E-DAWG! Ya' here broseph!" Fresh called. Error gasped as Haven went wide-eyed. He backed away from Error blushing. Error was about to scream in joy for Fresh had found them, but Haven covered his mouth stopping him from screaming.

Haven wasn't too sure what AU they could go to left...Maybe he's friend G Sans could protect him, at least for a while, just till Ink tells him to stop protecting Error.

Haven stood Error up while still covering his mouth. Haven opened a portal to Echotale as they quietly left the cave.

And just as they left, Fresh peaked through the cave, "Ugh! Where could my sugar cube be?!" Fresh huffed, "I've looked everywhere dawg! How well is Haven hidin'" Fresh asked himself, "Now now! Think...use your brotastic brain yo..." Fresh told himself.

"By now Ink-dude is probably saving Outertale...and I've checked all teh AU's safe to mad lad...could he have backtracked?" Fresh questioned

"Not sure...he only has a limited 'mounts of places to go till he got no places left!" Fresh grinned, "I'll get Ink ta' be busy for a few more hours, then let him have a break for me ta' think!" Fresh grinned at him plan as he went to Echotale to corrupt it

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