Party Pooper

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As Fresh and Error ran back to Snowdin, everything was out of wack. People were speaking too quickly, doing things to fast, and doing things more randomly. Fresh smiled, "Tis is WAYYYY crazier than expected!" Fresh said.

Error looked in amazment at all the flashing colors, all the fun sounds and every seeming to have fun. Error hugged Fresh arm. Fresh looked down at Error, "Is is the most fun I've ever had!" Error said with a non glitched voice.

Fresh blushed, Fresh a small smile to Error and rubbed his head. "Happy ta make it tat best broski!" Fresh said, "Come on, let's go have some fun while we can bro!" Fresh said.

Error looked so cute- WHAT?! Stop it Fresh!

Fresh took his hand out, and Error took it, glitching a bit, but it soon stopped. Fresh took Error to Grillby's again, than took a shortcut to Muffets, than they went to the castle as Error and Fresh played for a while since King Asgore was too busy mumbling memes to himself.

Soon the AU started to crash. Fresh looked at Error, "Hurry! Let's get outta here" Fresh said. Error nodded and took Fresh hand.

Fresh than took then back to the plain AU with grass and flowers. Error jumped in excitment, and clapped his hands, "I had so much fun!" Error said. Fresh smiled at him, purple blush covering his face.

Error blushed as well. A bright yellow color. "W-W-W-WhERe cAn w33 g0-0-07-o-o n-n-next?" Error asked. Fresh chuckled and pat Error on the head.

"I think ya had enough fun pally, take a break bruh" Fresh said. Error huffed, but sighed, "I-I gueSS" Error said looking down sadly.

Something inside me wanted to punch myself so badly for making Error sad. I walked up to Error and lifted his chin up to me with my finger. "Hey! Why don't cha' play with me for-a while?" I asked Error.

The light in Error eyes came back as he smiled, "OkAy!" Error said happily. I smiled back at him softly. "Let's play....time machine!" I said, "WhaT's tHat?" Error asked, "It's-a pretend game!" I told Error, "WhaT's A tImE MacHinE?" Error asked.

"Eh-..." I thought, "'s like a device tat takes ya to different times yo!" Fresh explained. Error smiled, "CoOl!" Error said.

"Alright then! What time should we go t'en bruh? To the dark ages? Or to the far future bro!?" I asked with enthusiasm. Error giggled as my soul burst with happiness. "LeT's gO to thE daRk aGes bRo!" Error said.

I chuckled and opened a portal. I held Error hand and pulled him in the portal with me as he yelped in excitement.

I took him to Underfell, "This is ta dark ages yo!" Fresh said. Error looked in awe. "sO CooL!" Error said. Fresh kept holding his hand as they walked around the AU.

Of course they stayed hidden, not wanting to start conflict with anyone. Error enjoyed his time there, watching people argue and stick fingers up at each other, whatever that meant.

Once they were done in Underfell, Fresh went to Dancetale to try and tire Error out. Then went into Dancetale's Grillby's and danced and partied and drank- Well...Fresh drank, Error had juice.

Everything was going well, till Dancetale Sans saw them. He didn't engage, he just left as fast as he could before conflict could happen.

Everything was going swell till a party pooper came to ruin the fun. "You!" Ink said with anger in his voice. Fresh gave a smile with a mix of a nervous look, "Inky! My buddy!" Fresh said.

Ink didn't spare a second and charged at Fresh. Fresh threw Ink before Ink could try to attack. Fresh hurried over to Error, "Let's go" Fresh said seriously. "WHAt- WHy?" Error asked, "Ink's here!" Fresh said.

Error looked frightened as he nodded and followed Fresh out of Grillby's Ink followed, "Your not going that easily!" Ink said.

Fresh pushed Error out the way as he fell on the snow as ink punched Fresh in the face multiple times, not giving Fresh the chance to fight back.

"FrEsh!!!" Error yelled as he stood up running over. Dancetale Sans stopped him, "Hey! It's okay! Ink got this!" Dancetale Sans said, blocking Error way, "nO! I nEeD FreSh! StOp HurRinG hiM!!" Error yelled.

Dancetale Sans looked a bit concerned and worried. "I SaId $444$$$44$4$TtTtT^6^^6O00)p$P!" Error glitched, pushing Dancetale Sans to the floor, over to the fight.

Error jumped on Ink back, making them fall. "Wha- HEY!" Ink yelled. Fresh was bleeding through his nose, his face beaten to a plump. Fresh chuckled, laugh even.

"Oh! made a HUGE mistake...I'm going to make you regret upsetting Error...putting him into danger like that!" Fresh said. Not on purpose, on accident he soul said that to Ink, instead of himself.

Error let go and pushed Ink off of him and stood up and hugged Fresh. "FReSH..." Error said, snuggling his head into Fresh chest as Fresh held Error back.

Fresh eyes glowed at Ink. Ink growled as his own eyes glowed a bright red. Dancetale Sans worried for his home and rushed to find Papyrus so they could escape before there AU is destroyed.

Ink stood up, "You seem attached to that Sans in particular...what are you gonna do? Posses him? Eat him? Keeping him prisoner till you get what you want?!" Ink yelled.

Fresh growled in rage as Error looked confused as to what Ink was talking about. "Don't act only do things for your own gain! You won't gain anything from just keeping him as a your waiting to receive something than abandon him?...I promise won't get what your after Fresh..." Ink said.

"You don't know what I want..." Fresh growled back, "But I know what you won't get!" Ink said, splashing Fresh and Error with different colors.

Error was covered in purple, while Fresh was covered in red. The red paint burned Fresh as Fresh fell on the cold snow to stop the burning. Error was wrapped in chains as Ink picked Error up and carried him.

Dancetale Sans came back with his Papyrus, "We're leaving" Ink said, "What about Fresh?" Dancetale Sans asked, "Well...Your leaving then" Ink said giving Dancetale Sans Error. Error yelled for Fresh.

"What am I supposed to do?!" Dancetale Sans asked, "Tell Dream and Blue, they'll know what to do" Ink said.

Dancetale Sans nodded, "Come on bro! Let's go" Dancetale Sans told his Papyrus as he nodded.

Sans opened a portal and left, as Error screamed one last time. Fresh soul was shallow and heavy.

Ink walked up to Fresh, "Not so strong should be ashamed..." Ink said putting a foot on his chest.

Ink held a bone in his hand. "Any last parasite!" Ink gaged. Fresh stayed quiet for a while, till he started screeching. Ink covered his ears as much as he could to stop the loud sound from coming into his none existing ears.

Fresh then pushed Ink leg, making him fall as Fresh got up and escaped. Ink growled, "This isn't over Fresh..." Ink said as he stood up and left.

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