Chapter 18 : Monday Blues

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Gauri didn't have any appointment until ten so she decided to do some gardening. She had bought some organic matter and a young rose plant from the Sunday market. The boundary of he building had soil but no plants. So Gauri had decided to put some of her free time in good use. It was one of the many things Mrs. Talwar had taught her.

During the weekend, Gauri and Mrs. Talwar had taken out time to only talk about Gauri and her thoughts about the whole Omkara scenario. Gauri felt lucky to have someone who cared about her well being. She had started to relaize that her mental state affected Mrs.Talwar and Anika as well. Anika was sort of against the whole meeting Omkara thing. 

Gauri didn't blame Anika. If she were in Anika's shoes maybe she would have also thought it was best to keep Omkara away. But Mrs. Talwar had different perspective. Mrs. Talwar felt that Gauri should actually take this as an opportunity to make peace.

Gauri had made up her mind, finally. If at any point she thought that she was falking for Omkara again or if meeting him was having a negative impact on her she'd ask him to leave. 

"Good morning!" Gauri heard a voice and she was almost sure it was Omkara. She looked over her shoulder, to find Omkara standing with a bright smile.

"Hi!" He said waving his hand. 

Gauri looks on confused. She stood up and noticed he was wearing the watch. "What time is it?"

"Uh, fifteen minutes past nine." Omkara answered. The whole weekend he had been waiting for Monday morning. 

Gauri looked at him doubtfully, "Wasn't it the ten o'clock slot?" She asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Then what are you doing here so early?" Gauri asked, crouching back to resume what she had been doing.

"I ..actually traffic. I thought there would be a lot of traffic so I left home early." He explained.

"I am not flexing the session time."

"Sure, no problem." Omkara said with a smile. He noticed her pretty fingers using the trowel. Dedicatedly she was shifting the soil. He noticed the rose plant beside her.

Roses were favorite. His lips curved up as a beautiful memory from the past surfaced in his mind.

"Om, Om, Om!" Gauri was yelling. 

"Stop shouting will you, Gauri!" He said shutting the door. "The walls are thin, neighbors will get all the wrong ideas." He spoke making his way to the small kitchen of their apartment. 

"Its our first month anniversary, and you are late. Anyways, try this.." no longer had the Omkara's mind had registered what she was staing, a spoonful of something was in his mouth.

His face scrunched up, before he started understanding the taste. "Pizza sauce?"

"Bingo!" Gauri smiled widely.

"You're making Pizza?" He asked surprised.

Gauri nodded, "aye!" She took a brief bow. "And you're just in time. Where were you by the way?" She inquired placing a hand on her hip turning her body to face his.

"I, wait.." he smiled. "Close your eyes!" 

Gauri did as she was told. 

He took the single rose out from the cover. He steppe closer and traced her cheeks using he petals.

Gayri opened her eyes to see what was touching her. A beautiful red rose. She smiled but soon that smile turned into a frown. 

"Happy first month!"

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