Chapter 22 : Conflicted

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Gauri looked around the room and then at Omkara. He seemed to be out of place. 

"You slept well?" She asked her doe shaped eyes peering at him. 

"Yeah," Omkara mumbled. "Uh, what's the time,?"

"Uh few minutes to eight." She answered. 

"Shit, I should call Shivaay!" Omkara mumbled moving to the bed to grab his phone. 

"I dropped him a text last night. Saying that you will stay over."

Omkara was shifting the duvet when he heard that. He paused and looked up at her unbelievably. "Seriously?" 

"Yeah, I thought he night be concerned if he doesn't find you at home." Gauri said clasping her hands together.

Omkara closed his eyes and let out an audible sigh. "Dammit."

"What?" Gauri asked confused.

"Nothing. I an going to have  a field day, explaining this to him. Anyways, can I used the washroom?"

"Of course," she replied pointing to the bathroom. She quickly turned and opened the cupboard. Taking a few seconds she pulled out a fresh towel and handed it to him. "You can use this." She said.

He took it from her with a brief smile, his fingers absentmindedly brushing overs hers. She quickly turned away and floated out of the room.

Omkara glanced at the towel and then at her bed. He just hoped Shivaay and Mrs. Talwar wouldn't think otherwise.

* * *

"Gauri, I don't know. At one time you say that he's a closed chapter and then the next time he's sleeping in your room."

"I didn't know what else to do." Gauri shrugged her shoulders.

Mrs. Talwars paused whatever she was doing and turned fully towards Gauri. "Choti, instead of showing him the way to be independent and fight his demons, you're letting him depend on you. Admit it or not, you still have a soft corner for him. You care for him so much. Even in the middle of the night of he asks for help, you will go running to rescue him. Stop telling yourself that you've moved on, that you don't love him, you're just digging up a bigger hole for you to fall in."

Gauri silent heard that out. It seemed do be coming more from her own mind than from Mrs. Talwar's. She knew she was melting at an alarming rate. She couldn't tell Mrs. Talwar about her predicament. Omkara had a troubled past that she had just leant about and she just wanted to be there for him. But did she want that wholeheartedly? No. 

There was a part of her that wanted nothing to do with Omkara.

"Tea's ready!" Mrs. Talwar announced placing two teacups on the tray  taking a third she started walking out of the kitchen. I will be in my room.

Gauri took a few seconds to think over what she was going to tell him. 

Gauri entered the room to find him wiping his face, with his back towards her. For a few fleeting seconds her eyes indulged in checking him out. If anything, Omkara had grown to be more masculine than before with nicely carved muscles and a lot of hair. 

She remembered him as the simple not so fancy nerd guy with a heartfelt smile. But the Omkara before her, he seemed to be more mysterious, badass and forbidden desire of women. He hadn't noticed her. He used the towel to pat dry his neck. Gauri simply stood watching him. 

She slowly moved to sit on the bed placing the tray there. He turned to notice her. Gauri's heart filled with a bitter sweet emotion. There was  a very domestic vibe to it. "Tea," she managed to say.

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