Chapter 15 : Bedraggled

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"OMG! Are you someone else?" Zoya exclaimed in utter astonishment. In the past two days Omkara was working better than a robot. 

"Stop over reacting, Zoya. Give me the next thing that needs to get done."

"I cannot stop over reacting. Have you seen yourself. You sleep only a wink that too on this couch and just look at yourself."

Before Omkara, could say anything the room's door opened and Shivaay Singh Oberoi marched in.

"Let's go." Shivaays said holding Omkara's arm.

Omkara looked aside and exhaled. "Zoya.." he muttered and his secretary took the cue and walked out quickly.

"Shivaay, can you stop acting like you own this place? You don't, this is my office and I will do what I like." Omkara snapped.

Shivaay folded his arms silently listening, "that's all? Is there more?"

"This isn't funny, Shivaay!" Omkara said irritated. 

"Exactly. Just look at yourself."

"Shivaay, you're being too intrusive. Just give me some space, okay?"

"I am not here to hear your nonsense. Let's go."

Omkara was pissed. "What's your freaking problem? I want to stay here okay. You asked me to not be anywhere near alcohol, you have that. Now, stop annoying me."

Shivaay's gaze hardened. "Stop hurting yourself, Omkara. I care for you."

"Then don't." Omkara muttered stepping away. "I don't want your care. I don't want anyone to be around me. People suck the life out of me. Just go and... and do whatever you want. Stop bothering me."

Shivaay turned around taking a deep breath. Any other day he would have punched Omkara right on the face for treating him like that. But he knew Omkara was only pushing him away.He walked around the table and sat on the chair without a word.

In the sudden silence that fell in the room, Omkara could hear his guilt roaring. 

"I am sorry!" He muttered. What he shared with Shivaay was the most beautiful relationship he had. The only person who was alway there for him, who never judged him.  

Shivaay sat silently. Some relationships become so dear to you, that they almost become a part of who you are. He was angry on Omkara. He was angry at fate for putting Omkara into that private hell where he just couldn't pull him out from. But, Omkara mattered to him. Period.

"How long?" He asked with a deep sigh.

Omkara hung his head down and leaned against the table. "I don't know."

The silence fell again. Omkara could clearly hear Gauri's screaming voice in his ears. "I can still hear her cry. I am trying to block all of it. It's just... difficult." Omkara said not liking the silence.

"Then go to her."

"If it was that easy." Omkara scoffed.

"Do something Omkara. You need to control your life. You can't just keep functioning like this, it's like you are punishing yourself."

"I broke her, Shivaay. The only woman who loved me with all of herself. I can't even recognize her anymore. That's how bad I have screwed up. You have no clue how this guilt feels. It's like even rotting in hell wouldn't be enough to pay for what I did to her."

* * *

Gauri fished out the pakodas from the boiling oil. The aroma just doubled her appetite. It felt so nice to completely block out whatever had happened in the past few days. 

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