Chapter 33 : Devotion

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Omkara sat quietly, accurately aware of his heart pounding inside his ribcage. It was the second week of the new year. The article he had come across a few days ago, about earth spinning fast, was seeming to be true, at least for him. He couldn't believe he was seated on the sofa in Mrs. Talwar's home with Pinky on one side and Anika on other. While Shivaay and Rudra stood behind the same sofa.

As much as he was ready for spending his entire life with Gauri, he wasn't ready for this. Omkara hated the spotlight he was in right now, while Pinky and Mrs. Talwar were having some conversation about the robbery that had happened down the street.

"Mom, can we focus on what we came here for?"  Shivaay interrupted the conversation between his mother and his mother-in-law.

"Of course!" Pinky muttered realized she had got carried away by her curiosity about the robbery.

"Where is Gauri?" Shivaay asked further looking at his mother-in-law.

"She's uh, in the kitchen." 

"I will get her!"Anika said making a beeline for the kitchen. Omkara glanced at Shivaay who put a hand over his shoulder reassuringly. 

Anika appeared back again with tray of cups followed by Gauri who held another tray filled with dry fruits and biscuits. Omkara could feel Gauri's gaze on him, but he didn't have the guts to look up and meet his eyes. He had noticed her tiny, soft hands place the tray. 

He felt Pinky's hand on his and let out the breath he had been holding, finally looking up. But looking everywhere except at Gauri. They had decided that they wanted to start a new chapter, together. To build a relationship from scratch. The way normal people do, no short cuts, full commitment. But it was easier to think about it. Right now, Omkara felt awkward and uncomfortable.

"So, Omkara?" Mrs. Talwar said adding to Omkara's discomfort. He looked up and this time directly at Gauri, his eyes pleading her to intervene.

"Well, we like Gauri!" Pinky started. "And so does Omkara."

Omkara wanted to thank Pinky for taking the lead but he also cringed internally at  the words. He had thought over and over if he should tell Pinky everything from the past. It was a difficult task and involved great risk. Omkara didn't want to lose Pinky's trust or change anything between them.

Mrs. Talwar smiled, "I am happy with whatever Gauri wants!" 

A silence fell as the others looked between Omkara and Gauri who were preoccupied looking at each other.

"Okay," Gauri said rubbing her hands together. "There's something I would like to say." 

All eyes were on Gauri. "I would like to stay here after marriage."

A deep silence fell in the room. Shock was evident on the faces of all the Oberois. 

Mrs. Talwar turned to Gauri with a hint of disapproval, but Gauri only held her hand. "I don't think I would like to leave Maasi."

Omkara sat silently. Gauri had already told him about this. And although a little reluctant about it, he had agreed to it. It seemed a very tiny request when she had first asked him. Saying yes was easy. But now in retrospect it seemed like a lot. However, Omkara was ready to move in after marriage, if Mrs. Talwar had no objection. 

"But Gauri beta, after marriage a wife and husband stay together.. ." Pinky said with hesitation.

"Choti Maa, I am ready to move in here if Aunty doesn't have any problem." Omkara finally spoke up glancing at Mrs. Talwar.

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