Chapter 30 : Paroxysm

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Omkara actually found himself enjoying painting walls. He had taken the spare colors and had headed to the wall behind the washroom. Since there was no plan to paint that, Omkara used his own creativity to paint a picture of a raging ocean in the dark of night. One of the other volunteers, Priya saw it and spread the word that he was an amazing artist. 

Post that Omkara had pitched in his ideas to the creative team. Some were taken right away, some were rejected. Omkara didn't really mind. He simply busied himself painting on the next wall he was directed to. 

He hadn't seen Gauri around since his missed kiss. Pinky was buzzing all around the school building like a bee. Omkara didn't want to take any more chances. He glanced around to find Shivaay and Anika chattering and grinning as they sat on the end of a wall painting black color. He smiled, finally his brother was making some efforts!

He heard Pinky announce that she would be taking care of lunch arrangements. She instructed everyone to not skip lunch. Pinky was the epitome of compassion. She specifically looked at him and he nodded getting her message.

Omkara saw this as opportunity and immediately hurried up the stairs to find Gauri.

"Gosh, what are you doing?" He remarked more than asked as he entered one of the rooms at the end of the corner where Gauri was painting flowers around the window sill, with a poor choice of colors.

"Did you run out of work or are you looking for your new friends?" Gauri asked satisfied painting into the drawing one of the other volunteers had made and left.

Omkara smiled leaning against the short student desk. "Do you have any clue how jealous you sound?" 

Gauri stood up and turned around. "Jealous me? Of that Priya? Seriously?" She scoffed walking over to the bench to pick up the pain roller brush and drop the ones she had been using.

Omkara's gaze followed her with amusement and adoration. She had paint all over her gloves and tshirt. She had tied her hair up and worn a plastic cover cap. He held her hand and tugged at it to pull her towards himself. 

Gauri was surprised at his sudden act of reducing the distance between them. What had changed? She wondered. Omkara was suddenly acting as though... they were together.

"What the hell!" She exclaimed narrowing her eyes at him as he held her close to himself.

She felt his thumb on her jawline. He was scraping at her skin using his nail. "There's paint," he said softly, his eyes momentarily shifting from the spot on her face to meet her eyes.

"Why are you being so jealous Gauri? I saw the way you looked earlier at Priya. I told you, you don't have to be jealous."

Gauri simply stared into his eyes. His reassurance was working. He was right, she was jealous of the three young ladies, who were openly hitting on him. However, she'd never accept being jealous. 

It happened all to fast. Gauri was still trying to knock it into her mind and heart that she should feel nothing for him, when his lips softly claimed hers. She parted her lips to express her disapproval but in that short-lived moment his tongue sneaked into her mouth.

It wasn't teasing, hurting or angry. His fingers tipped her chin while his mouth latched on to hers rather passionately. Her hand that was free, clutched on to his tshirt when he tilted his head deepening the intimate contact.

Omkara's skillful ministrations had caused Gauri's mind to go numb. Her body was suddenly welcoming the old passion. Her fingers tightened around the fabric, holding tighter as her tongue swirled against his.

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