Chapter 25 : The Dinner

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"Shivaay, where are you going?" Anika asked noticing her husband pick up his car keys after his mobile phone. 

"I am going to pick up your Mumma and Gauri," he said, tossing a warm smile her way.

"They'll take a cab and come."

"I know they can, but come on it's a family dinner. It would be nice if I go pick them up." Saying that he smiled. "See you later!"

Anika smiled looking at his retreating  figure until he disappeared out of the room. 

* * *

Gauri looked at herself in the mirror. She had put on a dark forest green colored dressy top and had paired that with black denims. She quickly wore the golden loop earrings and applied a little gloss to her lips. She took a deep breath and ran an observant gaze on her reflection before stepping out of the room.

She was surprised to find Shivaay in the drawing room smiling and talking to Mrs. Talwar who had worn a simple grey saree. Gauri smiled, it was very rare to see Mrs. Talwar in a saree. The woman carried the saree with effortless grace.

"Hey, Jiju!" Gauri greeted.

"And, finally! You know I have been waiting for half an hour." 

Gauri's eyes brightened up reading the teasing in his eyes while Mrs. Talwar excused herself to her room.

"Shit, I should at least make you wait for an hour right? I broke Anika's record, didn't I?"

"Please, Anika doesn't take much time to get ready." He said quickly in his wife's defense.

"Really Jiju?" She said amused giving him a knowing smile. "You seem to be learning a lot about her."

"She's my wife, duh!"

Gauri giggled, "of course. How was your Sunday?" She further teased drawing her eyebrows into suggestive curves.

"Shut up!" He mumbled eyeing her with reprimand.

"Let's get going, shall we?" Mrs. Talwar spoke walking out of the room.

"Yes, Jiju must be missing Anika, already!" Gauri teased knowing that Shivaay enjoyed every bit of it.

"Shut up, Gauri!" Shivaay said walking ahead. While Mrs. Talwar laughed at their banter.

* * *

Omkara kept quiet. Anika and Rudra kept on talking about random stuff with Pinky adding things in between while he and Shakti kept their eyes on the road sitting silently. Occasionally, Shakti would ask a thing or two about work and Omkara would answer. There was not much conversation other than that.

Once at the destination they all made their way inside the five star hotel. At the reception, they noticed the other three waiting.

Omkara forgot that he was with family. He blatantly looked at Gauri as she hugged Anika and the two gushed about wearing almost same colors. She looked so chic, so elegant. Omkara didn't know what was it that made her suddenly very beautiful. Maybe the way her hair was left open, they looked blow dried. It could be the round earrings that stood brightly against her hair. Or maybe it was the top. The dark green color made her skin appear fairer. He particularly loved the loose, flowy sleeves that had tiny golden studded particles, which adorned her arms.

He felt a strong pat on his back and looked sideways to find Shivaay looking at him. "Stop eyeing her like that, will you?" The words slipped out of his mouth somehow between the smile.

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