Chapter 36 : The Night Before

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It still felt like a dream to Omkara. The following day he would be married to Gauri. Past few days had been so beautiful. It finally felt like his Gauri was back. Omkar wa steasuring moments. Like when she would blush if anyone said something that had the phrase "after marriage". He particularly was charmed when she had intervened to help clear his confusion about his attire for the wedding day. He loved how she would steal glances at him and then smile widely on being caught. 

And the Gauri who talked and talked and talked, was back. Omkara finally felt that everything was heading towards a happy place. He glanced at his hand where the henna had left a brown mark. As per tradition, Choti Maa had forced him to apply some. He had agreed only when she said she would just make a small design. She had drawn a heart and etched a 'G'inside it. Of course, he had shaken his head in disapproval but it was nice to see it now. 

The day had been tiring. Omkara was tired of all the attention. From packing stuff for shagun, to performing the pre wedding rituals. The family had redefined the meaning of a simple wedding. 

Omkara picked up the pile of clothes Jaanvi had left for Gauri. Omkara felt bad for her in that moment. His parents were participating in the rituals and taking their share of duties in the wedding preparations as though nothing had happened. He was sure that something had happened between his parents and Choti Maa. They didn't really talk much but there seemed to be a coldness in their interactions. 

He put the clothes into the cupboard where all the things for Gauri had been put. He let out a deep breath. The entire cupboard was almost full, this was definitely too much for shagun. He picked up the few jewelry boxes one by one seeing the contents. Expensive, lustrous necklaces, rings, earrings, maang tika, bangles, almost everything was there. When his eyes fell on the bangles he realized that it had totally slipped out of his mind to give Gauri the bangles Daadi wanted his wife to have.

He quickly shut the cupboard and moved to the one that still had his things. He pulled the drawer and picked up the box in his hands. He looked around. It was eleven at night, the family had thankfully left him alone to sleep. Omkara looked at the bangles. Maybe he could give it to her after the marriage. 

But, he wanted her to wear the gold bangles tomorrow. Not wasting much time he quickly took the car keys and decided to drop by at her place. 

Pulling the car to a halt outside the house he called Gauri. However, she didn't pick up. He wondered if she was a sleep. Getting out of the car he walked to the gate. It wasn't locked and the window showed that the lights inside the house were on. Maybe she was busy with last minute preparations. He walked in with nervous steps. He climbed up the steps and was about to ring the doorbell when his eyes noticed the already open door. His finger reached up to bell anyhow. But he didn't want to startle them at the hour so he decided to knock. 

"I can't, Maasi!" He heard Gauri's voice. Instantly curious, he craned his neck forward, pausing his hand inches away from the wooden door.

"Gauri, have you lost it? The marriage is tomorrow!" He heard Mrs.  Talwar's loud and seemingly disappointed voice.  It seemed as though they had just walked out from the room.

"I can't marry him. It's going to get more complicated. I am not even sure if I can love him like I used to. I cannot forgive or forget everything that happened." Gauri's voice was heavy, and loud. It was a though she was begging. "I am going to be the biggest pain of his life. He doesn't deserve me, Maasi. He deserves someone who can love him give him all that he has missed out on."

"I am a threat to his happiness. I don't want to hurt him. He has seen enough pain in his life so far...I don't want to add anymore!" He could hear Gauri's sobs.

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