Chapter 19 : Stuck In Reverse

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Omkara had tried his best to keep himself busy to not be able to think about the session. It was something around four and he sat in his office replaying the events of the morning. 

His questions were still unanswered. The ringtone of his phone broke him from his consistent chain of thoughts. "Shivaay!" He said picking up the call.

"How did it go?" Shivaay asked.

"It's messed up." Omkara let out a deep breath.

"Please don't tell me you two fought again?"

"Not exactly."

"Did she scream again, or ..."

"I was the one throwing questions at her."

After a pregnant pause, Shivaay said, "Whatever it was,  I hope everything's in control. You didn't upset her right?"

Omkara closed his eyes remembering her face. "Maybe I did!" 

"What the hell is wrong with you Omkara? She's not your doormat. So stop treating her like one."

"Shivaay, what the gell are you saying!" Omkara exclaimed agitated.

"Look, I care for you and all. But Gauri didn't come to you begging for help. You went to her for your own sake. Why can't you just let the past be apologize and be sorry for whatever happened and move on?"

"If it were all that easy."

"Omkara, I don't know what to say to you anymore. I am not going to talk about this anymore. Deal with this yourself. But yes, I am warning you... Gauri is like Anika's sister. You hurt her and there's a whole lot of relationships going to be affected. You either move on without her or fix things!"

Omkara was stumped. Shivaay had never spoken to him so bluntly. Maybe Shivaay was right he was screwing up more instead of fixing things. He got off his chair calling the driver. He had to see her.

* * *


"Aunty," Omkara forced a smile. It was awkward encountering Anika's mother at the entrance. "Uh, I came to see Gauri. Is she not here?" 

"She was upset after the session with you." Mrs. Talwar said solemnly. "Look, Omkara, I am not intervening but you need to understand that you still have the power to hurt Gauri. She's strong but sensitive to everything that has to do with you. I convinced her to talk to you and sort out whatever differences, complaints,miseries and anger you hold against each other. But if it's only going to keep hurting her than I am afraid Omkara, maybe you are not good for her wellbeing."

"I, I got a little... I promise I will sort this out and not repeat. Please, let me just talk to her once?"

"She said she wanted to take a walk in the park." Mrs. Talwar said glancing in the direction of the park.

Omkara nodded. "I will find her. Thank you!" Saying that he jogged towards the entrance of the park.

* * *

"I am sorry! I got... worked up and it became suffocating for me to stay!"

Gauri had managed to find a bench in the corner of a park by the tree. She didn't bother to react when she heard his voice.

He walked all the way to the bench and sat on the other extreme end of the bench. 

"I am used to it. You always listen what you want to and believe what you think." Gauri muttered. She didn't want to say anything at all but her mouth was under the control of that part of her which wanted to argue with Omkara, show him that he was hurting her.

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