Chapter 41 : Togetherness

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"Omkara, wake up!" Gauri said as she saw the time. She had forgotten to se the alarm last night. It was close to nine on the clock and that was very late. She had her first session at ten. It was a good thing that the clinic was just a ten minutes brisk walk.

She almost jogged to the kitchen to keep tea to boil. She looked around and decided to make sandwiches. She quickly picked out a few vegetables from the refrigerator and sprinted back to the room. She huffed seeing Omkara still very much asleep. 

She walked over tot the bed and shook his arm. He hummed something and turned and slept. Gauri rolled her eyes and decided to get other stuff done. 

Close to fifteen minutes later she had taken a bath, watered the tulsi plant as Mrs. Talwar had specifically asked her to do. She had even lit the lamp in the pooja room. But Omkara was still blissfully asleep. The other day he had told her that he slept well in the new place. But this was too much. 

Gauri marched to the bed and smirked. She held the hand bell she had carrie dorm the pooja room, firmly above his head. Biting her lip with amusement she vigorously shook the bell creating a loud sound.

"What the Fu-!" He exclaimed opening his eyes. "What the hell are you doing?"

Gauri grinned ringing the bell more vigorously. "Gooood Morning!" She screamed over the sound of the bell. Her bangles also clinking in the process.

Irritated, Omkara held her wrist. "Who wakes up someone like that?" 

"I didn't have a loudspeaker, sorry!" She smiled, sarcasm dripping through her gaze as well.

Omkara sat up, "Can't a man sleep?"

"Of course he can. But for a minute I thought that you went into a deep sleep like princess Aurora."

Omkara frowned, stretching his arms, "how is that now?"

"Sleeping beauty!" Gauri answered disappointed in the lack of his knowledge.

"Oh!" He said understanding what she meant. "Should have tried kissing instead of creating a ruckus then!" He exclaimed getting off the bed.

Gauri's lips curved up.

He gently nudged her arm before walking to the bathroom. She stood their for a minute blushing over his words. Thanks to her grumbling stomach she realized she was wasting time. 

Gauri didn't wait up for him. That man took his own sweet time to shower. So she made s mart decision to eat while texting Mrs. Talwar and glancing thorough the photos of last night that Rudra had uploaded some seven hours ago. She smiled as she spotted one candid he had clicked when she was doing a high five with Anika. But what caught Gauri's attention was Omkara on the side who was looking at them, maybe her. 

"How much time do you take to bath?" She said when he appeared out of he room dressed in a black checkered shirt and black denims. "You wear that to work?"

"Yeah," he said glancing at his attire. "Why?"

"No,'s not formal."

"When you work in a creative domain you don't have to wear boring formals. And, for the record, that's the fastest I have had a bath."

"Duly noted." She muttered. "Now sit down quickly and have breakfast. I need to leave, my first session starts in twenty minutes." She said walking into the kitchen.

"You are not eating?" He asked aloud taking a seat at that table.

"I am fast." She said placing the plate of sandwiches before him. She sat on the chair across from him and sipped on her tea.

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