Chapter 5 : Unexpected Encounter

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"There it's done. It's so simple to wear a saree." Pinky spoke analyzing the pleats of Anika's saree. Anika pulled her lips to smile. It was anything but easy.

"Woohoo, if Jiju sees her he's going to be clean bowled!" Gauri remarked sauntering into the room with a bright smile. Anika blushed at her remark."But, what's the occasion, aunty? Why are the two of you so, umm, decorated?" She asked taking in the head to toe appearance of the two ladies.

Pinky let out a chuckle, "We're going to Mata's temple. It's a customary pooja."

"I am finally going to get rid of these!" Anika added, raising up her hands to flash the set of red bangles with a few white ones in front of Gauri.

"That's a pity!" Gauri smiled sadly.

"Hey, if you knew how troublesome they are!" Anika muttered as Pinky bent down to settle her saree. Anika smiled warmly at Pinky's efforts. She indeed was very lucky in the mother-in-law department.

"Don't worry Anika, she'll know soon." Pinky turned to wink at Gauri.

Gauri stuck her tongue out at that comment, she would definitely not be so willing to get rid of those beautiful set of bangles.

Gauri smiled and met Anika's eyes. "You're glowing today!"

Anika managed to smile.

"Okay, Gauri why don't you put on some Indian wear too? " Pinky asked walking over to her dressing table to comb her hair.

"Why? Will the Goddess be mad at me for wearing jeans and top?" Gauri asked playfully to get Anika's warning glare. Any other day Anika would've said the same thing, but not now. A very different Anika stood in front of her. 

Pinky was very cool, but Anika certainly didn't want Pinky to find anything Gauri said offensive. Weirdly, Gauri had changed a lot. She was more outspoken and easy-going than before. But that was a good thing. She was also much more lively and unapologetically cheerful.

"No, beta, but I thought you'd look the odd one out. Come on now, put on something desi!" Pinky spoke authoritatively.

Anika smiled, Pinky definitely had a way with people.

Gauri sighed, "As you wish madam," she walked out of the room. Anika followed her out.

"Do you even have Indian wear?" Anika asked catching up with Gauri.

"Yes, I do, Blushy!" Gauri passed her a smile and like she expected Anika blushed.

"Stop blushing, Anika, I am scared we'll have to name you Scarlet or Tomato!"

Anika hesitated uttering,"Um, Gauri,"

"Yes, Anni!" Gauri spoke her undivided attention on her phone. Gauri looked aside at her when she didn't say anything ahead.

She paused her steps and turned fully to face Anika. "What?" She asked narrowing her eyes, trying to figure out what was Anika hiding.

"I wore that black thing last night!" Anika blurted.

Gauri's mouth fell open. "And..?"

Anika shrugged looking away.

"Oh. My. God." Gauri flung her arms around Anika hugging her. Anika's eyebrows furrowed in bafflement. "I am so happy for you!" Anika's bewilderment only grew. She wasn't pregnant for God's sake. Why on earth was Gauri acting like she was!

"Gauri, this is too much, I didn't get a scholarship," Anika muttered pulling away.

Gauri grinned, "I would have asked you for details, but Jiju is like a brother now. So no details. But, are you okay? Are you in pain? Are you sore? You know there are ointments..."

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