Chapter 24 : Feeling Happy

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Omkara was surprised with the warm welcome he recieved at home. Pinky, Rudra and Shivaay greeted him with smiles. 

"The date..." Omkara began knowing exactly why they were all gathered. 

"It's okay bro. It's just a date!" Rudra said placing his hand in Omkara's shoulder. Omkara looked at him baffled.

"Yeah, don't worry I will find prettier girls for you." Pinky added.

"Yeah, no big deal of a girl rejected you." Shivaay said patting off nonexistent dust from his shoulder. There was a rich amusement in his eyes. Omkara peered at him and he secretly winked.

"What are you guys trying to say?" Omkara finally voiced his irritation.

"Well, the Poo Acharya you went to see rejected you! Her mom called Choti Maa."

"Oh!" Omkara said, as everything started to make sense. 

"It's okay. If it's any consolation, your photo got two thousand likes. And my followers increased by twenty today."

"You posted me on you Instagram handle. Don't you ever do that again!" Omkara muttered.

"Comes on bro, I am definitely posting more pics with you. Maybe you can hit the gym with me some time." Rudra's eyes lit up. "Oh you and me working out... that's going to be Instagram sensation. Maybe hashtag, ObroWorkouts."

"Shut, Up. Now." Omkara said sharply. "I swear I am going to get your Instagram hacked and deleted if I ever happen to feature there again."

"Om, chill!" Shivaay intervened.

"And FYI, it's not like, I liked that Poorvi."

"Then you should have told me by texting or calling naa. Simply Mrs. Acharya got a upper hand by rejecting." Pinky muttered. "Anyway you don't worry. I think.."

"Chot maa, relax. I said one date and I went right? Please no more."

"BUT Omkara, you are of marriageable age."

Omkara rolled his eyes and looked at Shivaay for help who seemed to be getting a kick from it all.

"Mom is right Om, you shoul seek a companion. Unless you already like someone, do you?"

Omkara stared at Shivaay with his lips pulled into a tight line. Shivaay smirked as immediately Pinky caught the direction of his remark.

"Do you like someone Om?"

"No, Choti Maa. Nothing like that!" He said throwing a glare Shivaay's way.

"I think that way. Otherwise what's the problem in going on a date? If I ask Rudra to go know, he will be more than happy to."

"Of course!" Rudra remarked with a toothy grin. "Who is it Om?" He asked waggling his eyebrows.

Pinky stepped forward and brought her palm to his cheek. Omkara looked at her cautiously. "I think I know who it might be." 

Omkara's eyes widened and he looked at Shivaay who seemed equally shocked by that statement from Pinky.

"It's Zoya isn't it? No wonder you spend so much time in the office these days. She's always with you. Oh, I get it. It's her culture and religion difference that's worrying you, isn't t it?" Pinky just went on saying and Omkara gaped at her.

"Bro, but you said she isn't your type, the last time I asked you about her." Rudra remarked.

"That's what Shivaay said about Anika!" Pinky said.

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