Chapter 43 : Faltering Steps

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"Hey!" She was greeted by Omkara, as soon as he opened the door.

"Hi!" She muttered walking in. It was around seven in the evening.

Their was an awkward silence between them. Gauri took a deep breath and glanced at him. He seemed lost in his thoughts as he sat back on the chair, his laptop open upon the dining table.

"Om," she called softly.

He slowly looked up and turned to her. "Yeah?"

She walked up to where he sat. She stood a little more than a foot away from his chair, by the dining table. "Are you mad at me?" She asked softly.

"No!" He answered without a thought. "Why would I be angry at you, Gauri? I am just... trying to absorb it. I mean..." he paused staring away into empty space. Gauri quietly dragged a chair and sat on it, facing him.

He looked up at the sound. His gaze pierced into hers. "Are you okay?" He asked, feeling something off. 

"Yeah," she nodded, "I was just, thinking about it. And, I am sorry. I should have told you before the marriage. And honestly, it crossed my mind many times. But I chose to not tell you, Omkara. I know... it was selfish of me. But," she looked away blinking her tears, her fingers forming a fist around the fabric of her kurti. "I... I didn't want you to... reject me." She completed, hanging her head down in shame.

Omkara blinked looking at her. It was bittersweet. Bitter because she put herself before him. Sweet because, she didn't want to lose him to anything. "Gauri, you really think I wouldn't have chosen you?" He asked quietly.

She glanced at him defeated.

"Gauri," he said and then closed his mouth wondering what words would make her understand better. "You mean the world to me, Gauri. I don't see how anything can change that. I love you. I am sorry, if I have made you feel that you are just another option to me. No, you're not an option, Gauri. You are what I need. You make me a happy man. Gauri, I love you. You are like my other half. How can I not love you?"

Gauri's lips slowly moved to form a heartfelt smile. The amount of efforts he put, the sincerity in his words and the love in his eyes, it all made Gauri feel alive again. "Thank you!" She said overwhelmed.

Omkara's lips slowly formed a smile. "You know, I ... I did want to have kids, our kids. "

Gauri's smile wavered.

"But, Gauri, more than anything I want to grow old with you by my side. I want you to be my companion and home. I know it isn't going to be easy. I know there will be more challenges along the way. I know my past is a bummer to our relationship. I know we've both made mistakes. But, I am tired Gauri. Tired of struggling alone. Let's battle everything together, okay? I know, it's easier said. But, let's, please try..."

Gauri smiled through teary eyes, nodding affirmatively. "We will!"

He held her hand and Gauri took the cue and stood up from the chair moving closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder while his arms snaked around her waist. She pressed he rchin gently against his hair. Tears from her eyes rolled down her face and fell on his hair. 'I promise,Om, I won't hurt you.' Gauri said in her mind, making a promise to herself. She wouldn't repeat what she had done with her baby. She won't give up. She will fight whatever comes her way and be the home that can keep him safe and in love.

"Aren't you hungry?" He said pulling his face away from her abdomen, tilting his head to look up at her. His hands smoothly settled on her waist.

"I am, let's have an early dinner today!" She said with a smile, unable to keep her fingers from fiddling with his hair that loomed over his forehead. 

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