Chapter 47 : Moving Forward

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Finished this earlier than expected so here it is. Please don't forget to vote on previous chapter!

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Gauri stared at Omkara. All her fears surfacing up. What did he want to know? The truth? Could she tell him that? Did she have it in herself to tell him about it or did she even want him to know?

He had rejected and abandoned her once. What if he did it again after knowing the truth? She killed their baby. The truth wouldn't change, would it?

But lying to him was slowly killing her anyway. She didn't want lies to be the roots of their relationship. She didn't want to break his thriving trust.

"How about," he began speaking walking to the chair. Gauri's head moved not breaking her gaze from him. He sat on the chair. "I be the person listening this time." He completed.

Gauri looked away. No!

He leaned forward, trying to capture her gaze. "Gauri, I know the past has hurt you a lot. It hurt me too, but, you helped me overcome the pain and see that there was a lot of time to make things right and be happy."

Gauri slowly found the courage to look into his brandy brown orbs. 

"Maybe, along the way, I forgot that I had to move forward with you." Something stirred inside Gauri. That softness in his eyes, that unshakeable promise in his voice, everything about him made her want to count on him. "You know I have been thinking about... us. And I realized that maybe I have always been the one to first take and then give. You always initiated things between us."

He smiled blinking the tears building up in his eyes. Gauri had tears appear in her own eyes. Why was he doing this if it made him feel hurt? 

"Gauri, I want to be your rock again. I want to be that man --" his voice ditched him and he pressed his lips into a thin line dropping his gaze to the floor. A tear escaped Gauri's right eye and gradually rolled down her cheek.

"I want to be the man, who-- is always there for you."

Gauri bit the inside of her cheeks harder and looked away wiping her tears using the back of her fingers. This man, the one sitting right before her was well... definitely a piece of her heart.

Minutes passed, before he spoke again. "I know, Gauri, my mistake of not trusting you enough has cost you a lot more than your happiness. I have been selfish to see how it only affected me."

Gauri refused to look at him. Another tear rolled down her cheek. It wasn't his fault. She was weak, she gave up. She should have fought harder for what she wanted.

Omkara didn't know if he could do this any longer. But he had only began. It was time he understood how she felt. To take off every layer of pain, hurt and guilt that she had buried herself under. He had to make her love herself again.

"How did it feel to carry baby?"

Gauri sat quietly processing his question. "Weird," she said with a small smile, slowly turning herself to face him again. "I didn't feel alone at least..." she added.

Omkara felt his heart contract painfully at that.  "Is morning sickness a thing?"

"Most definitely, and it just doesn't happen in the mornings." She mumbled.

Omkara smiled at her quick response. He noticed that smile that had made way. 

Knowing not what comes next is both exciting and nerve wracking. But when you already know that the story is going to end at ashes, that's tormenting. Omkara was already worried about seeing that smile disappear. Can he not magically get a second chance to go back into time and change his decision? 

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