Chapter 45 : Heartbreak

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Omkara paced up and down the living hall lost in his thoughts. Finally when Gauir had drifted into slumber he had walke dout of the room. He was scared. He had never seen Gauri so vulnerable. She was supposed to be the stronger one in them. But seemingly, she wasn't. Why did she keep saying it was her fault? What did she mean when she said he didn't deserve her, but someone better? What had gone wrong? 

He settled on the sofa, rubbing his face using his palms. He couldn't sleep. He feared she would disappear if he even as so much as closed his eyes. He had to do something. His heels restlessly tapped on the floor.

Anika. Maybe he should talk to Anika. She and Gauri were pretty close. Maybe Anika knew all of this. He recollected the moment Anika had protectively supported Gauri when he was angry at Gauri. It was eleven. She may be awake, he thoughtfully held his phone. Should he?

He was still processing on what he should ask or tell Anika when his phone began vibrating. He glanced at the screen to read 'Maasi'. He stared at the screen for a few seconds. Maybe it was God's way of pointing him to a solution. 


"Om, you are at home?"

"Yeah," he answered dling some last minute thinking.

"Oh, Gauri didn't pick up my call."

"Yeah, um, she's sleeping." Omkara said.

"Oh, is she okay? I mean, she didn't really talk to me in he past two days."

Omkara bit his lower lip learning the information. "Uh, actually..."

"Om, is everything okay? Is she okay?" Mrs. Talwar's voice became heavy with concern.

"She's fine but...she ...broke down today."

"Oh," Mrs. Talwar mumbled with a sigh.

Omkara frowned. He closed bus eyes. Gauir trusted and loved Mrs. Talwar a lot. So she must know whatever was on Gauri's mind. Even before the wedding day, Gauri had confided in her. He took a deep breath, "She was blaming herself for the miscarriage. She kept saying it was her fault. I don't know...why. I have never seen her like that."

He heard a deep audible breath from the other end. "Omkara, is that all she told you?"

"Yeah," he said. "I mean, she also said things like she was selfish and that.. she was lying. And that.. she was bad mother and tired of it all. Maasi, what really happened? Do you know about it? Why is Gauri blaming herself for everything?"

"Omkara, listen to me. Gauri had her share of struggles, okay? And I think, it's best of she confides in you and tells you about it. Is she sleeping now?"

"Yeah, she just fell asleep a few minutes ago."

"Oh," he heard from the other end. "Alright, listen to me. Gauri won't be able to sleep, she'll wake up and cry over it eventually. On the right hand side, nightstand of my bed in the lowest drawer you will find sleeping pills. Dissolve one in water and give it to her when she wakes up. Don't tell her about it though."


"Look, Omkara, trust me. Gauri doesn't really sleep properly when she's emotionally drained. She will eventually wake up and keep crying over it. Just give her the pill in water. You can talk to her about it in the morning."

"Please tell me about it. I don't want to hurt Gauri in any way. Please..."

"Omkara, I think you should wait to hear everything from Gauri. And more than anything, Gauri needs to tell you herself to get the weigh off her chest."

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