Chapter 38 : Slow Steps

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Omkara was sad about leaving home. But he knew he had to take the step to show Gauri that she really, really mattered to him. It had been six days to their wedding. The days in the Oberoi Mansion had been pure bliss. Everyone was in a happy holiday mood. 

Gauri, Anika, Shivaa and Rudra put together were a deadly combination. Of course, Pinky was like the cherry on top. Omkara was low key happy that he was moving out otherwise he was sure he wouldn't get much of Gauri's time. 

Mrs. Talwars had warmly welcomed them to her humble home as she called it. After a brief chat about random things back at Oberoi mansion, she had shown them to the room, the same room that he had slept in one night, months ago. She had given them the space to settle their things in the room excusing herself to prepare lunch.

"Wow! She has literally clean seeped this cupboard!" Gauri remarked opening the cupboard where she stored miscellaneous items. 

"I am guessing that is for me!" Onkara mused looking at the empty cupboard and then glancing at the two huge suitcases that Pinky had packed. 

"Come on, I will help you arrange things!" Gauri offered dropping the troublesome duppata on the bed. Packing, unpacking and organizing things was something Omkara wasn't quite fond of. It didn't take much time for Gauri to understand why he stared at the empty cupboard like it was Mount Everest waiting to be climbed.

"Thanks!" He muttered, walking past her to put the suitcase on the bed. He unzipped the bag while Gauri tied up her hair.  Omkara kept stealing glances at her. It was only now that he was noticing that Gauri was much fuller than before. Her smooth curves were more prominent, he could bet looking at the well fitting dress she wore. 

"Do you wear shirts to office?" He heard her voice and blinked away from the skin at he back that the low cut of her kurti had been flaunting. 

"Yeah, shirts and pants." He answered flustered. Luckily she didn't immediately turn. 

"I will hang you shirts here and stack your pants on this side. Maybe in one drawer you can put all you stuff and in the other socks, ties and belts. The lower shelf for the undergarments and night clothes. The lowest one for your footwear." Gauri declared her simple easy plan.

"Cool!" Omkara answered. He got of the bed and started working alongside Gauri. While she started with the shirts, he started with arranging the shoes. 

With the two of them working together it didn't take long to find everything a place. 

"As for this suitcase, it can go up there!" Gauri said pointing to the wall mount cabinets just above the wall cupboard.

"I will also need a stool for that!" Omkara said analyzing the height.

"Let me see, if there's one in th utility room." Saging that Gauri marched away. 

Omkara smiled to himself. He was totally enjoying doing even the things he heated to do, just because she was around. 

"Here," she announced putting a small step plastic stool. 

Omkara looked at the height of the stool and then up. He still wouldn't be able to reach it, nonetheless he stepped up on it and tried. 

"Naah!" He declared stepping down. 

"Gauri, I will bring the chair instead!" He suggested walking out.

Ten minutes later with the help of the chair the task was done. 

"There's a small dust ball on your hair," Gauri pointed out.

Omkara made  afcae almost immediately. The reason why he always declined whenever Choti Maa would ask him to help her clean and keep things in upper cabinets. He used his arm to shake it off as his hands were still dirty.

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