Chapter 12 : Turbulence

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"Here," Mrs. Talwar said handing him a glass of water.

Omkara couldn't even meet her gaze. His mind couldn't erase the image of a screaming, crying Gauri. She had so many complaints. It was a bittersweet emotion that seized when he realized that she cared so much for the baby, her baby, their baby - the one which was lost. She held him responsible for that! 

How did she manage it all?

Why didn't she try a little harder to find him?

Why didn't he try to find our about her?

Why didn't he love her enough?

The questions just wouldn't stop. He pulled down the water that Mrs. Talwar had offered. He placed the glass aside and finally looked up at her. She smiled a little and sat on the chair a little away from the couch where he was seated. 

Omkara looked away. He looked at her again, "Shouldn't you be with Gauri?" He finally spelled out his concern.

"She wanted to be alone." Mrs. Talwar answered.

Omkara nodded, the silence in the room was not helping Omkara. The voices in his head were becoming louder. 

"She's angry," Mrs. Talwar said softly.

Omkara only gave  a brief nod.

"Do you want to tell me what you're thinking..." She spoke so softly that Omkara had to look up to make sure she was speaking. 

What should he tell her?

He shook his head in a negative. "I should... I should eave." He said decisively.

"Omkara, I have known Gauri for a little more than three years now." Mrs. Talwar began, closely observing Omkara's reactions. "It's just her way to grieve. I know she isn't over the miscarriage yet. After meeting you, it's just her repressed grief finding a vent. I always knew that she wasn't over with it, I didn't know how to get it out of her. But you've helped her, Omkara!"

Omkara had tears pricking his eyes. He nodded trying to keep up a poker face. There were so many thoughts in his mind that he was beginning to have a dull headache. Of course, Gauri was in pain. He broke a little more. He hadn't just left Gauri, he hadn't just broken promises, he had shattered her. Maybe if he had trusted her a little more, maybe if he wasn't scared to face her, maybe... they both would be happier. Maybe.

" did she have the miscarriage?" He asked looking up at the woman, as his mind's curiosity was evoked by the question.

"Omkara, you're asking the wrong person. Gauri has all the answers you need."

Omkara sighed looking down at the small table. He could hear the ticking of the clock. 

Mrs. Talwar took a deep breath, "but there's one question I have for you."

Omkara looked up and net her eyes. 

"Why did you not give her the one chance to explain herself? That one chance..."

Omkara hung gusbhead down in guilt and regret. "I wish I had.."

A silence fell again. 

"Why Omkara? You loved her, right?"

Omkara blinked his eyes tears falling down. "I was scared. Gauri was the best thing that happened to me." He buried his face in his palms in despair.

Mrs. Talwar frowned. Her hunch was proving to be right. There was more to Omkara than she knew. She remembered how Anika had told her about Omkara being very cold and uncaring. The Omkara Anika described was very different from the one she had heard about from Gauri years back. There was something, something about Omkara.

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