Chapter 44:

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Let me start off by wishing everyone a (belated) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I would love to hear what you guys got up to for Christmas, so please let me know in the comments :)

Stay safe, love you all!


Chapter 44:

Camila woke that morning with a sense of peace in her heart that she had never felt before. She kept her eyes closed for a few more minutes to relish the feeling of comfort and warmth that seeped from the inside out. Outside in.

When she opened her eyes she saw Taine's limp hand near her face. She gazed at his fingers and was reminded of how they had felt against her bare skin the night before. The long scar across his palm reminded her of the deeper connection she now felt. To him and to their pack.

She felt the length of his muscular arm across her side and his chin above her head. She could hear and feel his even, sleep-filled breaths. 

The rise and fall of his chest against her back made the moment, that much sweeter. It was such a simple thing, yet the beauty of her mate laying next to her brought her untold joy.

The fact that she was awake before Taine meant that he must have been exhausted. She didn't want to disturb his sleep but she would rather brush her teeth and run a comb through her hair before he saw her.

She gently lifted his arm and slid out of the bed. Tip-toeing to the bathroom and locking the door behind her.


The first thing she saw when she exited the bathroom was Taine's eyes. They lit up at the mere sight of her and the light spread to the rest of his face, causing a sleepy but elated smile to spread across his lips. His hair was in tufts, sticking up and pointing in unruly directions. It made him look younger, carefree.

He hardly smiled and it was scarcely ever genuine. Seeing it on his face now made her feel greedy. She relished in the way his eyes twinkled, the way his skin creased to fit the broadness of the expression. She wanted him to smile at her like that forever. Forever and always.

"Come here." He said with outstretched arms.

Camila couldn't help but grin. He had never been so open with his desires. Never told her he wanted her near, never opened his arms in expectation of folding them around her.

She walked to him and perched herself on his lap. He was sitting upright and staring at Camila's towelled covered body, with love and hunger. The look in his eyes made Camila blush.

She didn't protest when he pulled her close, began kissing her neck, and peeling the towel off her.

"How did you sleep last night?" He whispered.

His lips. The words against her skin made her shiver.

She ignored the question, letting her heart control her voice within the moment.

"Why did this take so long?"

"Huh?" he said, kissing her shoulders.

"For us to get here." She said, swatting him away still trying to maintain the conversation.

"Well, I think it was this." He ran his fingertip over her mark and smirked.

"I'm being serious." She grabbed his arms and held onto them so they couldn't roam any further.

"For things to be like this." She knew he felt it too. The serenity and pure contentment that had cast out all the resentment, anger and tension. It was deeper and stronger and blanketed itself around them like a force field.

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