Chapter 11

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Taine couldn't sleep. He didn't even bother tossing and turning in bed, but rather decided to make good use of the desk and get some work done. The job of being Alpha never ended. Looking up at the full moon it reminded him of the night he came to get Camila. The thought didn't stay for very long, because movement outside caught his eye. He saw Camila leaning on her balcony, staring at the same moon, lost in thought. Without warning, she stripped and shifted. Before he could process what was happening she had run and jumped off the balcony onto the grass and was sprinting into the woods. This was déjà vu, but of a scarier kind. He wasn't sure if he should follow her or just wait until she returned... if she returned...Not being able to help himself he shifted and followed.

Staying at a far pace, careful not to arouse suspicion, he kept her in his line of sight. He was careful not to be clumsy, every step was careful and deliberate. They were thick into the forest now. Even though he was silent, she still scanned the surrounding area before turning and making her way off the dirt path she had seemed to be following. He watched her disappear into a thicket, before making his way to the same spot to peer through. The bush was dense and he couldn't see much. What he could see her was her now human and clothed figure. She was in a clearing of sorts. There was a unique tree planted amidst the dense cedar trees and Camila was sitting next to it. It gave off a different energy. 

The moonlight passed through uninhibited here, and it illuminated her,  in short moments marked by the passing of clouds.

"I know you're here."

He hesitated not expecting to be spoken to. Surprised and embarrassed at his failed attempt to conceal himself, he raised a paw to pass through the bush, like he had seen her do not long before.

Even more surprisingly he saw another wolf emerge from an adjacent side of the clearing. Moving quietly through the leaves and getting ready to enter kill mode, his hair stood up and his teeth were bared. But something stopped him. Camila seemed to know this wolf. 

She didn't look surprised. She approached it and handed it a spare shirt and pants she must have brought with her.

"Here. You can shift."

She turned to the moon and basked in its light, while the other wolf shifted and changed. A man had replaced the wolf and was now stepping closer to his mate.

He didn't understand why he wasn't sinking his teeth into this man's neck. The full moon was making him edgy but the rational side of his brain commanded him to stay put and listen.

He tapped her on the shoulder and broke her haze. She turned to see him crookedly smile with his arms outstretched. For her.

The anger of an Alpha reared its talons when she stepped into this mans arms and stayed there for what seemed like years.

Camila was the first one to add additional noise to the songs of the forest.

"It's been a minute, hasn't it?" She smiled sadly. "How did you know I would be here?"

"I know you Mila, don't tell me all this time apart made you forget that."

She laughed, but Taine could tell it wasn't a real laugh, " No, but I just didn't know you'd be here at all today."

"A little birdy told me. So I made the trip"



The pair was now sitting next to each other on the grass. Taine didn't know if he imagined it, but there was something there. Something delicately held in the space between their connected eyes.

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