Chapter 23

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Patience had never been one of Camila's strong points. It was both a blessing and a curse. When she wanted something done it needed to be done yesterday. If she needed to make something happen she would. And quickly.

But in situations like this, where she had waited for her mate in the morning, sacrificing sleep to do so, and now had to wait in a hot, sticky leather armchair for almost an hour. She had very little patience left to offer Taine.

"Vanessa, what is Alpha Alverio doing? I have been waiting for almost an hour. This is ridiculous!" She said exasperatedly. Was Taine really busy or did he just think he could ignore her until she turned into thin air? She was normally even-tempered, but damn Taine made her mad sometimes.

Slamming the third magazine she had skimmed through onto the coffee table she rose from her seat, slightly wincing at the way the leather stuck to her thighs. She marched towards the hallway with the offices, ignoring the protests of Vanessa. Stopping at a door labelled 'Alpha Alverio.' She knocked on the dark wood sharply.

Ivory called from inside the room, "Come in."

As Camila opened the office door, Ivory and Taine's eyes both snapped to her. She stepped inside and closed the door.

Scanning the room she could see it was very, very...Taine.

Sharp lines and no clutter, or colour for that matter. A wide L shaped desk was the salient point in the room. It was backdropped by big glass windows panelled in wood, overlooking the backyard of the packhouse. There was a leather couch and a large bookshelf. She let her eyes take their time to roam. After all, she would be needing her own office too. One that preferably had more pink in it.

"Nice office." She said to Ivory who she saw quickly replace her surprise with a smile.

She walked closer to the desk and saw that they had probably been discussing papers that were strewn between the two.

Taine regarded her with little emotion. He looked at her from her red shoes to her black dress and high ponytail. "Why do you look like that?"

No, "Oh my darling wolfette, you dressed up today, for me? You are so beautiful and I am so lucky! The moon goddess shines upon me this day!"

Just six accusatory words that earned him a pointed glare.

Camila flipped her hair over her shoulder as well as his comment. She wouldn't let him take knocks at her self-esteem.

"You're extra chirpy this morning aren't you."

Taine put down his pen and folded his fingers. There was a carefully concealed softness in his words. "I'm very busy Mila."

She thought of the previous night and how she felt those fingers wrap around her...

Shaking those thoughts away she vehemently responded to him.

I'm officially the Luna of this pack, aren't I? I'm here to work."

Taine laughed. He actually laughed at her.

Camila took the seat next to Ivory. "I don't see what's so funny about making me wait an hour to speak to you." Her glare got more violent, his laughter ceased immediately. So she did have some power over him.

Without waiting for a response or an invitation, she sat down. Placing forearms on the table, she smiled in satisfaction. She cracked her neck and made herself at home in the room. "Okay guys, so what are we talking about."

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