Chapter 25:

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Chapter 25: 

Camila burst into the house. The music that was being blasted into her ears deafened her senses. A layer of sweat covered her body. She was itching for the relaxing, warm feeling a shower could provide. The air felt scratchy and arid in her throat. It was more than just her vigorous run that created the uncomfortable, restless feeling that was pulling body closer to the earth.

Taine was sitting at the table with a pen and notebook in hand. Probably more preferrable companions to him than she could be.

She stole a glance at him and when their eyes connected a feeling of crippling embarrassment twisted itself in her heart. She was too tired to hide it. Their interaction the previous day had been a disaster.

She checked the time and hurried up the stairs to get ready.

That night she and Taine had been invited for a special dinner.

Although the dinner and party invitations were thrown at them fast and furiously, Taine often made the judgment call and decided if the event was worth attending. Camila never had the heart to turn down a free meal and an opportunity to socialise but she was fine to let Taine think he had some semblance of control over their social lives.

Jane and Adrian were a rich, idealistic couple that had been born into the pack. Because of their social influence and opulence, Taine had to remain in their good graces. The Alpha ran the pack, but these veterans possessed a rather comparable amount of respect in the pack hierarchy. It was all an intricate web of power games. They were on the pack council and liked to throw around their extensive knowledge on just about everything in just about everyone's faces. Camila liked them for the simple reason that Taine hated them. He often made flippant comments about them taking too damn long to die. 

It was no longer simple like in the old days, where one's wolf side was stronger, more basic, more instinctual. Matters used to be settled by canines sinking into flesh and growls echoing through the night. Now, the human side with its twisted, ambitious, power-hungry, personal agenda liked to assert itself.

She knew the occasion meant she needed to brush up on which forks and spoons to use for which type of minuscule rich people food when Taine made her go shopping for something 'nice' to wear the previous day.


After coming home from a rejuvenating solo shopping trip Camila felt giddy. There was no particular reason for it, she was just happy.

Okay... she may have had a drink...Or four with her lunch. Thinking about the dinner that night was proving to be too stressful. And after her drinks, the tension in her body unwound itself and fell in waves in a puddle at her feet.

She had never been a drinker, but the softer and lighter the world became, the more relaxed she felt. It was glorious.

The common-sense blinding mixture of potent liquid and unstable emotions, made her plop down next to Taine on the couch without a second thought. She waited for him to acknowledge her. To ask what the contents of her shopping bags were, but he didn't. She felt her lower lip jutt out in a pout. 

When she was like this, she could never keep her thoughts to herself. Blunt like a butter knife but sharp like a needle.

She plucked the laptop that Taine was staring so intently at, from his lap and placed it on the floor.

"Why are you such an asshole."

Even her brashness didn't gain much of a reaction from Taine. He just raised an eyebrow at her words.

Camila threw her hands up in the air. "See this is exactly what I mean!"

"You're not exactly a ray of sunshine yourself."

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