Chapter 15

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A deep growl reverberated through the trees, ripping Camila from her thoughts. She turned around and saw a large brown wolf with yellow eyes starring at her visciously.

It growled again threateningly, she understood it.

'Intruder! You better have a good explanation as to why you are running around behind the Alpha's house, filthy rogue.'

Camila felt adrenaline pump through her veins. She had never run into a patrol wolf on her nightly runs before. Anger prickled her skin. Even though he was doing his job he didn't have a right to speak to her like this, or to anyone for that matter.  She would talk to Taine about the approach his guards had. Pulling her earphones out of her ears she crossed her arms and stood tall.

"I am not an intruder and I don't appreciate you speaking to me so disrespectfully."

The guard barked as if finding her authoritative tone ridiculous and amusing.

"You stink of another pack and you dare trespass on the Alphas private lands. I don't know whether to kill you on the spot or let Alpha Alverio take care of you."

Camila didn't understand why she wasn't scared, maybe because the Beyonce she was listening to earlier made her feel fearless. The brown wolf moved closer to her now, she was not planning on shifting in her favourite leggings and sports bra, but the idea sounded more appealing when she realised that this wolf could snap her neck with one lunge.

 Although she thought that Taine might appreciate someone getting rid of her for him, she decided to buy time by distracting the patroller.

"Does your Alpha usually commend you for killing defenceless female wolves in the woods?"

She stretched her calves earning a growl from the brown wolf. He didn't like that she was being so nonchalant. " I am just having a casual run, I mean he isn't exactly my favourite person in the world but I promise I'm not trying to break into his house and kill him or anything. "

The way the wolf bared his teeth at her, made her realise that these were the wrong words.

"I'm not going to wait until the Alpha arrives, say goodbye to your life rogue."

Just when Camila realised how deep the pile of sh*t she was in had become, a calm even-toned voice said, "Stop."

Camila muttered under her breath, "I was wondering when you were going to join the party."

Taine approached the pair slowly. His arms were crossed and his eyes were cold. It reminded him of when he had graced her with his presence that fateful night at Lizzie's.

He didn't speak until he was standing next to the guard. He glared at Camila and she glared right back. They hadn't spoken since the night they returned from the trip. The small amount of softness he had regarded her then was now gone. It was hard to believe it even existed.

"What's going on?"

The brown wolf was all too eager to retell the story in quick growls, probably hoping to gain favour with the alpha.

'I found this mutt-"

"I am not a mutt," Camila spoke through gritted teeth.

The brown wolf growled again, silencing Camila.

"This despicable creature was running through the woods trespassing on your property Alpha Alverio, I think she is a trained assassin from another pack attempting to kill you."

Camila laughed loudly and the brown wolf stepped closer to her, hunching low. She couldn't help it, she didn't know how in the world he had deducted that, the whole situation was hilarious. Taine remained like a statue, arms crossed and face frozen in that harsh expression. It only fueled her laughter.

"Alpha Alverio, let me kill this rogue now, our ears shouldn't have to endure hearing the piercing laughter of this vile female."

Camila didn't know whether to be more offended at the fact that he called her vile or that he insulted her laugh. Whatever it was it quietened her enough. She wanted to see what Taine was going to do amidst all of this. She twisted the ring that hung as a pendant on her neck and looked at Taine expectantly.

He finally spoke.

 "Kill her."

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