Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: (some time after the dinner party)

Camila liked the quiet that had befallen the house.

Although previously she had resented it, now it was calming. Constant. The silence reassured her. It meant she didn't have to face anyone or be expected to do anything. She was in her own bubble of serenity, where she was the only ruler.

She didn't even want to think about what rumours were circulating. The pack probably assumed she was distraught. Hysterical. Trying to claw out of the tunnel that was her grief. Mourning because of the devastating and gruesome condition of the beloved Alpha.

She hadn't gone to visit him. She didn't even know when he was coming home. It was vindictive and spiteful. Camila knew that much. But it also felt so good. Too good. The revenge almost masked her guilt. Almost.

A sharp knock on the door and a cheery voice that called, "yoohoo, Luna?" Ripped her from her thoughts.

She glanced at herself in the mirror and hurried to the door. At least once a day someone had it on their agenda to interrupt her silence. This time it was Freda. Camila opened the door and greeted her with a smile. Freda had a good heart and good intentions, she just liked to stick her nose where it didn't belong almost all the time.

She was known to most as a nosey and bored 'housemate' who liked to extract all the information she could out of you, before leaving baked goods in your house... A delicious tactic that made it seem like you didn't spill all your secrets to a stranger. She was like a tenacious fly. But damn she could make a good pie.

"Hello, Freda."

"Oh, Luna. I'm so glad you're home. I thought you might be in the hospital visiting the Alpha."

She quirked an eyebrow and paused, waiting for a morsel of information. Camila didn't even offer her a crumb.

"Thank you for coming by Freda. But I was actually just about to go see him."

It was a blatant and pathetic, last-minute excuse but Camila knew that if she invited Freda inside she would never get her to leave. She'd start re-arranging the throw pillows and alphabetizing the spice rack...

"Oh, you poor dear. You must be so distraught. How is he? When will be coming home? This pack needs its Alpha you know."

Camila resisted the urge to growl at her. The pack had been doing just fine under hers and Ivory's capable hands. But of course, nobody would give her recognition for that.

"I'm not sure Freda, but you'll be the first to know." She said with a tightlipped smile.

Freda let her breathe for a few moments before bombarding her with another onslaught of questions and comments.

"You look rather put together for someone whose mate is in such a terrible state..."

"Well, I think it's important to maintain a sense of normalcy." She answered neutrally.

Camila took the pie from Freda's outstretched hands and placed it in the kitchen. With a cringing eagerness about her, Freda had decided to accompany her on her walk to the small pack hospital.

"You must miss him so much Luna, I don't know how I would even manage to leave the house without bursting into a fit of tears, if it were Rodney."

Freda looked like she was getting emotional at the thought.

Camila tried to comfort her by patting her shoulder affectionately. "Well, I'm not worried, he'll be home soon."

Finally, they neared the door to the hospital.

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