Chapter 8

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Five weeks later, Camila knew she was pushing it. Bigtime. She didn't know what she expected, an angry phone call or just to be forgotten, which she would have been more than happy with but she certainly didn't foresee what was to come next.

She hadn't intended to stay away that long. But plans changed. 

She sensed that Alpha Hart wanted to see her, Alphas were in tune with pack members and it was instinctual for them to know when their leader needed them. Camila was being rebellious and decided to ignore the inkling feeling. Sometimes Alpha Hart liked to send a wave to his pack from far away, like a Facebook poke. A text from Luna Hart confirmed that he did want to see her.

She knocked on the office door knowing she didn't really need to. She was very much welcome anytime. Camila stepped in to see Luna Hart reading papers on the couch and Alpha Hart working at his desk. "Hey, family, whats up?"

Both their heads snapped up at the same time. "Mila, its good to see you." Alpha Hart called her over. "Liz and I just wanted to let you know that we are expecting some important dinner guests tonight and your presence is required."

Camila was being unofficially groomed to being on the pack council, or even the Beta. Her role as Director of Pack resources was a transitory role, a chance for her to prove herself. It was a privilege to be invited to important dinners and meetings. A privilege she had earned. It was her incredibly strong desire to improve the pack that added to her charm and made her a necessary dinner guest.

"No problem, will Jake be there?" Referring to the Luna and Alphas teenage son.

"He'd better be...Hey, but you two better keep the fooling around to a minimum. You aren't allowed to sit next to each other." Alpha Hart laughed.

Camila pretended to sulk. "I can't believe you would think I would fool around I'm the most serious member of this pack." She smiled and turned to leave the room, "Don't worry Alphas I'll be good.

Luna Hart called out after her, "Mila, wear your red dress tonight!"

A few hours later, Camila looked at herself in the mirror ready to head to the Alpha and Luna's house for dinner. Wearing the deep red lace dress meant the occasion was fancier than she thought. She had tried to ask who these mysterious guests were but Luna Hart was evasive.

She headed downstairs and walked the familiar path to the Alphas house, wondering who in the world could be here. The door was open and as soon as she entered the house her world was filled with warmth, light and amazing-smelling food. Lizzie greeted her with a smile and hug and told her to take a seat. Camila noticed she seemed slightly nervous.

The enigmatic guests hadn't arrived yet, but everyone was seated, ready and engaging in pleasant conversation. The dinner seemed intimate, Jake, Luna, Alpha, Mila, The Beta and two other plates laid out.

Just when pangs of hunger began to sink in, there was a knock at the door. Before the guest had even finished knocking, Luna Hart jumped up from her seat and was at the door in seconds. "He's, here!" She sang.

A few steps behind Luna Hart was Taine. 

And he looked pissed

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