Chapter 32:

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Chapter 32:

Taine walked through the door first. Camila had never been in here. She had thought about what the room would be like...She had even fantasized a few scenarios. And curiosity had even tempted to go inside when Taine wasn't home...

She walked in and looked around not knowing what awaited her. She glanced around the room like a cautious animal in a foreign place for the first time.

"Don't act like this is some kind of torture chamber, it's just a room."

Still, Camila's arms were crossed and her body was rigid as she eyed the beige curtains, the dark wood furnishings and the other bits and pieces scattered through the room that gave it character.

"I'd never know with you Taine."

It looked functional and bland. She wasn't surprised since it seemed like Taine barely slept and was a workaholic. She stepped further into the room noticing that the messy closet was one of the few things that made the space look lived in. She could sense Taine watching her as she took it all in. At least he had made the bed for her, that was nice.

She turned to him, a comment at the ready. When she saw something on the wall adjacent to his bed.

"What! How come you have a TV in here? That's so not fair!"

He chuckled lightly. It seemed a foreign and forced sound, but Camila believed it was genuine nonetheless.

Taine stepped over to the right side of the bed. She could tell her skittishness and keen observation was thinning his patience.

"Come to bed."

Camila had an onslaught of snarky remarks sitting on the tip of her tongue – Who did he think he was commanding her? but she refrained. She approached the bed slowly like the mattress was about to jump up and swallow her whole. Was it too late to get eaten by James?

Babbling to ease her nervousness she launched into a speech about why this was ridiculous and that she couldn't understand why the Taine thought the next step in their relationship was this, rather than him taking her out on an actual date.

Closing her eyes before she had begun the action, she pulled back the duvet and slipped under the cool covers. She laid on her back and controlled her breathing while Taine laid down next to her.

"Wait," Camila called as she tumbled out of the bed and ran into the hall.

She came back unrecognizable. Weighed down by a stack of at least five huge pillows.

"What are you doing?" Taine asked, sitting up.

He watched her throw the pillows onto the bed, two intentionally at his face. She then climbed back onto the bed before beginning to arrange the pillows between them like a brick wall, making sure she had more room than Taine. Her company came at the cost of precious mattress real estate. "I said no funny business and I meant it." She said simply.

She peeked her head over the pillow wall and waved Taine goodnight before settling down into the covers with a smile on her face.

During the night in a state of half sleepiness, she felt Taine gently push against her otherwise architecturally sound barrier.

"Don't even think about it or I'll end you."

She heard him sigh and return to his side of the bed.

She knew she would sleep well tonight and Taine wouldn't.'


The next morning Camila woke in a confused daze. She rolled over to grab her phone but her hand landed on something warm and squishy with a slap. She opened her eyes and realised where she was. And that she had just slapped Taine in the face.

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