Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

The last thing Camila remembered before her world turned upside down, was the intensity in Taines eyes before he kissed her. Those pools of green and brown had pierced her soul, it frightened her. 

His lips were warm and unfamiliar against hers.  She could still smell their blood mixing together. The warmth of his hand on her back seeped into her clothes and awakened all her senses.

The moment would have only lasted five seconds, but Camila would replay those very seconds over, and over and over and over, in her mind for weeks to come.

It was a forceful kiss. A dominating touch that felt more like a claim rather than a tender moment between lovers. When Taine pulled away she saw his features become impassive and cold once again. He didn't look at her. She tried to match his own stance and expression as she attempted to make sense of what had just happened. 

He could be so cold. So sold and so confusing.

Trying to get her breathing under control, she looked up at the faces of her new pack members. They were smiling even wider and cheering even louder than before. The realisation hit her.

The kiss was for show. For everyone to see. A trick to fake a love, a union that did not exist. It was both a necessary celebratory action and a warning. A warning that told anyone who might threaten or undermine her power to run. Far, far away.

She felt like that kiss was a lie. A first kiss between mates, and it was all to please the masses.

It was merely pretending. Only a fleeting feeling of being close. Taine only kissed her to send a message. It was planned and if he had brought it up with her beforehand...she would have probably put her heels somewhere very, very painful...Which explained the way he grabbed her and clutched her to him. 

It meant nothing. She glanced at Taine's stony expression and rigid posture. Nothing.

The kiss almost made her feel guilty for what she was about to do...Almost...but she suppressed the urge to disregard her careful plans.

She let her wolf senses rise closer to the surface. She became hyperaware of her surroundings. The formalities were over now and Taine or Ivory was just about to announce the beginning of the meal. Ivory approached them from the side, she was about to extend the microphone to Taine.

Camila stepped forward, in front of Taine so that she was closest to Ivory. She concentrated her gaze on Ivory's green eyes and spoke loudly and clearly.

"Please pass me the microphone, Beta Emerson. I would like to say a few words."

Confusion laced Ivory's features. Camila could see her looking behind at Taine asking him what to do. She mentally cursed. Ivory was too loyal. Could she not just hand her the damn microphone. Did Ivory not know what girl power was? She was the Luna now.

A large component of this plan was that neither Taine or Ivory could refuse her bold demands in front of the pack. They would have expected her to say something and Mila was not one to disappoint a crowd.

She almost felt Taine about to step forward to speak in her ear. She reminded herself, 'there is nothing he can do or say to silence me.' She stood resolute, waiting for Taine's reaction.

But none came.

He must have signalled silently for Ivory to hand her the microphone. Once she held it in her hands she truly felt like she had won. She opened her mouth to speak from her soul and it was at that moment she knew that she was born to be a Luna.

Camila must have spoken for minutes, but it felt like seconds. One moment she was trying to block out the look of pure fury on Taines face (and the horror on Ivory's) and the next she felt elated as the pack began to clap and cheer. They were cheering for her.

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