Chapter 5

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The sun was beginning to set and dim fairy lights began to illuminate the people and tables. After spending some time talking to Alpha Hart about business and Camila; And meeting someone very interesting who introduced herself as Camila's Aunt, Taine was done for the day. but before he left he wanted to say goodnight to Camila. With everyone demanding her attention, her night was far from over. 

He saw her in the distance walking away from the main event towards an orchard of sorts. There were stoic oak trees that cast brilliant shadows as the sun sank behind the horizon. He watched her walk to one of the trees and trace her hand over its trunk. She sat down under the tree, her knees to her chest. Taine was content just watching her sit there staring into the distance. 

He felt a sharp nail poke his back and he turned to see a short woman looking up at him.  She had a calculating gaze and he felt scrutinized by her narrowed green eyes. She was holding a glass of wine in one hand and stuck out her other, for him to shake. From her expression, he knew she had some kind of agenda.

"Hello, Alpha Taine. I am Liberty Daniels. Camila's best friend. I must have been mentioned before."

They shook hands and (more out of shock that she had so bluntly approached him rather than actually remembering) he said, "Yes, your name sounds familiar."

"Since you aren't staying for that long I thought I should just tell you that Camila the most amazing wolf you'll ever meet and I hope you understand how lucky you are. And I know things haven't been exactly smooth for you but you could always just leave her here." 

She said this with such conviction and he realised he was jealous. Jealous that she had been loved so abundantly. He also felt pain. Pain that her heart was so full and he took it all away from her. His neutral expression didn't give any of his thoughts away. 

A bitter feeling rose in his chest. As strained as things were now, she hadn't given him much of a choice. 

"I can see, it seems like she made a difference here." He settled for a diplomatic answer. He could tell his brief way of answering her questions, irritated Liberty. 

"You bet she did, don't even get me started-" She had stopped to breathe- finally Taine thought. But this was not the case.

"Oh, Mila." She whispered. Taine turned and looked at Camila in the distance.  Even in the fading light, he could see and faintly hear sobs shake through her whole body. Before he process what he was seeing, Liberty had dropped the glass and was running towards her friend. Taine felt useless. He watched as she reached Camila and wrapped her arms around her tightly. Liberty seemed to have the magic touch because it wasn't too long before Camila wiped away her tears and Taine could hear laughter. He saw Liberty hold her face and say something to her forcefully, she nodded and stood up, smoothing out the creases in her dress. Both women kept looking around as if waiting for someone.

Taine felt a small body whizz past him. It was a little boy, three or four running towards the tree, so fast Taine was sure he was going to fall. Camila screamed and kneeled on the grass, her arms open wide. The boy ran into her arms and she nearly fell over with the force. She swung him up and around as she showered him with kisses. A man followed the boy, his father. He kissed Liberty when he reached them and Camila put down the child only for a moment to embrace the man. Liberty met Taine's gaze and gestured for him to come over. He didn't want to but all eyes except Camilas were on him as he walked towards the picturesque scene. She was too busy playing with the young boy.

Realising he had arrived, she stopped running around the grass like a madwoman. Out of breath she introduced him, "Alpha Taine this is my cousin Patrick and Libby my best friend."

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